Clinicians in Court
Third Edition
A Guide to Subpoenas, Depositions, Testifying, and Everything Else You Need to Know
Allan Edward Barsky
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJanuary 2, 2024
ISBN 9781462553334
Price: $74.00 350 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderJanuary 2, 2024
ISBN 9781462553327
Price: $49.00 350 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
New to this edition:
- Reflects substantial updates in research, case law, and statutes.
- Aligns with current codes of ethics and practice guidelines of major professional organizations.
- "Upon Further Reflection" elements in each chapter, plus an additional appendix with a sample report from a treating clinician in a criminal case.
- New or expanded discussions of timely topics: restorative justice, ways to respond to subpoenas, using technology effectively in courtroom presentations, therapeutic witnessing, and more.
- Ancillary materials for practitioners, students, and instructors at the expanded companion website.