Coaching College Students with Executive Function Problems
Mary R. T. Kennedy
Foreword by McKay Moore Sohlberg
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJune 12, 2017
ISBN 9781462531332
Price: $41.00238 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“What an amazing resource! Kennedy's dynamic coaching model is presented in depth and accompanied by extensive hands-on advice. In addition to the insightful chapters containing helpful real-world examples, this volume is chock-full of ready-to-use forms, tables, and diagrams to assist the practitioner. There is a special chapter on working with service members and veterans. This unique book belongs on the shelves of everyone whose practice includes students or prospective students with cognitive impairments.”

—Tessa Hart, PhD, Scientist Emerita, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
“Engaging and a pleasure to read. College campuses are struggling to figure out how to serve growing numbers of students with executive function problems. This is a highly useful guide for the many health care and disability providers who work on college campuses, as well as educators who train them.”

—Cynthia Fuller, PhD, Associate Director of Student Access, Disability Resource Center, University of Minnesota
“Kennedy is the go-to expert on executive functions in college students, and this book is a godsend. Her years of authentic experience and gift for coaching are evident. This is a valuable resource for implementing an efficient, practical coaching program for young adults who have a brain injury or any other type of executive function challenge.”

—Brenda Eagan Brown, MEd, traumatic brain injury educational consultant, Pennsylvania
“This well-crafted book provides theoretical and practical guidance to professionals who want to help students with executive dysfunction succeed in college. Kennedy combines extensive scholarly work and clinical experience to describe a dynamic coaching approach that supports students in self-assessing and problem solving to achieve their goals. The volume includes numerous tools, guides, and resources for rehabilitation professionals in higher education settings, where self-regulation and self-management skills are particularly important.”

—Mary Vining Radomski, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Senior Scientific Adviser, Courage Kenny Research Center, Minneapolis

—Tessa Hart, PhD, Scientist Emerita, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
“Engaging and a pleasure to read. College campuses are struggling to figure out how to serve growing numbers of students with executive function problems. This is a highly useful guide for the many health care and disability providers who work on college campuses, as well as educators who train them.”

—Cynthia Fuller, PhD, Associate Director of Student Access, Disability Resource Center, University of Minnesota
“Kennedy is the go-to expert on executive functions in college students, and this book is a godsend. Her years of authentic experience and gift for coaching are evident. This is a valuable resource for implementing an efficient, practical coaching program for young adults who have a brain injury or any other type of executive function challenge.”

—Brenda Eagan Brown, MEd, traumatic brain injury educational consultant, Pennsylvania
“This well-crafted book provides theoretical and practical guidance to professionals who want to help students with executive dysfunction succeed in college. Kennedy combines extensive scholarly work and clinical experience to describe a dynamic coaching approach that supports students in self-assessing and problem solving to achieve their goals. The volume includes numerous tools, guides, and resources for rehabilitation professionals in higher education settings, where self-regulation and self-management skills are particularly important.”

—Mary Vining Radomski, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Senior Scientific Adviser, Courage Kenny Research Center, Minneapolis