Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

School-Based Practice

Edited by Matthew J. Mayer, Richard Van Acker, John E. Lochman, and Frank M. Gresham

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 22, 2011
ISBN 9781609184810
Price: $52.00
420 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2009
March 1, 2011
ePub ?
Price: $52.00
420 Pages
Copyright Date: 2009
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $104.00 $62.40
420 Pages
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I. Foundations of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions

1. Historical Roots, Theoretical and Applied Developments, and Critical Issues in Cognitive-Behavioral Modification, Matthew J. Mayer and Richard Van Acker

2. Intervention Development, Assessment, Planning, and Adaptation: The Importance of Developmental Models, John E. Lochman and Frank M. Gresham

3. Methodological Issues in Research Using Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, Frank M. Gresham and John E. Lochman

4. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions and the Social Context of the School: A Stranger in a Strange Land, Richard Van Acker and Matthew J. Mayer

II. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Anger/Aggression

5. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Anger and Aggression: Review of Research and Research-to-Practice Issues, Stephen W. Smith, Julia A. Graber, and Ann P. Daunic

6. Managing Anger and Aggression in Students with Externalizing Behavior Problems: Focus on Exemplary Programs, W. M. Nelson III and Janet R. Schultz

III. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Anxiety/Phobic Disorders

7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth in School Settings: Advances and Challenges, Adam S. Weissman, Diana Antinoro, and Brian C. Chu

8. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Exemplary Programs, Gretchen Schoenfield and Richard J. Morris

IV. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Depression

9. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Depression in Children and Adolescents: Meta-Analysis, Promising Programs, and Implications for School Personnel, John W. Maag, Susan M. Swearer, and Michael D. Toland

10. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Depression during Childhood, Kevin D. Stark, Jenny Herren, and Melissa Fisher

V. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions Addressing Other Needs

11. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, George J. DuPaul, Lauren A. Arbolino, and Genery D. Booster

12. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Laura Grofer Klinger and Amie Williams

VI. The Future of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions

13. The Cognitive–Ecological Model: Paradigm and Promise for the Future, Jaleel Abdul-Adil, Patrick H. Tolan, and Nancy Guerra

14. Future Challenges to Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Practice and Policy, Michael M. Gerber and Emily Solari