Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD
Targeting Executive Dysfunction
Mary V. Solanto
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 21, 2013
ISBN 9781462509638
Price: $37.00214 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2011
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David J. Marks, PhD, is Director of the Mount Sinai Learning and Development Center in New York City.
Katherine J. Mitchell, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice, Assistant Clinical Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Attending Psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center's Substance Abuse Treatment Program in New York City.
Jeanette Wasserstein, PhD, is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in New York City and serves on the clinical faculty of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Katherine J. Mitchell, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice, Assistant Clinical Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Attending Psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center's Substance Abuse Treatment Program in New York City.
Jeanette Wasserstein, PhD, is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in New York City and serves on the clinical faculty of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.