Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Impulsive Children
Second Edition
Philip C. Kendall and Lauren Braswell
orderMarch 26, 1993
ISBN 9780898620139
Price: $49.00 239 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“Kendall and Braswell have updated a book that became a classic upon publication in 1985. The revision charts the remarkable progress that has been made in the assessment, diagnosis, and cognitively based treatment. New lines of work not in the original book are woven into a revision that conveys the development, evolution, and maturation of this treatment program as applied to impulsive children.”

—Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D., Psychology, Director of Clinical Training, Yale University
“Kendall and Braswell have provided a state-of-the-art description of their clinically sensitive and empirically-based intervention for impulsive children. They have expanded their approach to school and family environments. This practical guidebook will prove valuable to both clinicians and researchers. Kudos!”

—Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D., University of Waterloo
“The first edition of this book was a classic that defined cognitive behavioral therapy with children and served as the foundation for treatment programs for children with a variety of disorders. This edition picks up where the first left off and points to the future of cognitive behavioral therapy by integrating components for working with parents and teachers. Evident throughout the book is the authors' twenty years of research and practice. The authors provide the reader with a cogent review of relevant theory and research as well as case vignettes that bring the descriptions of the treatment to life. This is must reading for all child practitioners.”

—Kevin Stark, Ph.D., University of Texas

—Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D., Psychology, Director of Clinical Training, Yale University
“Kendall and Braswell have provided a state-of-the-art description of their clinically sensitive and empirically-based intervention for impulsive children. They have expanded their approach to school and family environments. This practical guidebook will prove valuable to both clinicians and researchers. Kudos!”

—Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D., University of Waterloo
“The first edition of this book was a classic that defined cognitive behavioral therapy with children and served as the foundation for treatment programs for children with a variety of disorders. This edition picks up where the first left off and points to the future of cognitive behavioral therapy by integrating components for working with parents and teachers. Evident throughout the book is the authors' twenty years of research and practice. The authors provide the reader with a cogent review of relevant theory and research as well as case vignettes that bring the descriptions of the treatment to life. This is must reading for all child practitioners.”

—Kevin Stark, Ph.D., University of Texas