Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups
Second Edition
Peter J. Bieling, Randi E. McCabe, and Martin M. Antony
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 5, 2022
ISBN 9781462549870
Price: $86.00 466 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderSeptember 13, 2022
ISBN 9781462549849
Price: $57.00 466 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderJuly 7, 2022
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $57.00 466 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
print + e-book $114.00 $68.40
orderPaperback + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: 466 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
New to this edition:
- Chapters on inpatient groups and mindfulness-based CBT.
- Chapters on additional disorders: posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder.
- Fully rewritten chapters on anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and psychosis.
- Discussions of timely topics, such as conducting virtual groups and the growth of transdiagnostic approaches.
- Even more clinician friendly; streamlined chapters highlight "what to do when."