Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents
Tools for Enhancing Practice
Robert D. Friedberg, Jessica M. McClure, and Jolene Hillwig Garcia
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 15, 2009
ISBN 9781606233139
Price: $62.00 326 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderOctober 17, 2014
ISBN 9781462520077
Price: $41.00326 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Robert D. Friedberg, PhD, ABPP, is Full Professor and Director of the Center for the Study and Treatment of Anxious Youth at Palo Alto University. Previously, he directed the CBT Clinic for Children and Adolescents and the Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. He served as an Extramural Scholar at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy and is a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Friedberg is coauthor of Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Second Edition, and Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice .
Jessica M. McClure, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and the Clinical Director for the Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Dr. McClure has presented, written articles and book chapters, and provided training in cognitive-behavioral therapy with children and adolescents. Her expertise includes cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adolescents with anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders.
Jolene Hillwig Garcia, MD, is completing psychiatry residency training in the Department of Psychiatry at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University College of Medicine, and has completed a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. She received an MD from Penn State University College of Medicine and a BS in Biology and BA in Art-Commercial Design from Lycoming College. Dr. Garcia has been involved in scholarly research and publications, as well as professional presentations on topics of interest in child and adolescent psychiatry. In addition, she continues her work in graphic and fine art.
Jessica M. McClure, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and the Clinical Director for the Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Dr. McClure has presented, written articles and book chapters, and provided training in cognitive-behavioral therapy with children and adolescents. Her expertise includes cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adolescents with anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders.
Jolene Hillwig Garcia, MD, is completing psychiatry residency training in the Department of Psychiatry at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University College of Medicine, and has completed a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. She received an MD from Penn State University College of Medicine and a BS in Biology and BA in Art-Commercial Design from Lycoming College. Dr. Garcia has been involved in scholarly research and publications, as well as professional presentations on topics of interest in child and adolescent psychiatry. In addition, she continues her work in graphic and fine art.