Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children
Second Edition
Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Foreword by Bruce D. Perry
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 9, 2021
ISBN 9781462548491
Price: $41.00364 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2015

The e-book editions of this title sold by Guilford and other e-book vendors feature many full-color photographs. (If you have a black-and-white e-reader, the illustrations will appear in black and white, as in the print book.)
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Gray Baldwin, MA, MT-BC, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Boston, Massachusetts; St. Mary of-the-Woods College, St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana
Susanne Carroll Duffy, PsyD, RPT-S, Pleasant Point Health Center, Eastport Health Care, Inc., and By The Sea Seminars, Perry, Maine
Lennis G. Echterling, PhD, Department of Graduate Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Cornelia Elbrecht, MA, AThR, School for Initiatic Art Therapy, Apollo Bay, Victoria, Australia
Claire M. Ghetti, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC, CCLS, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, New York, New York; The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Amber Elizabeth Gray, MPH, MA, LPCC, BC-DMT, NCC, Restorative Resources Training and Consulting, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Craig Haen, PhD, RDT, CGP, LCAT, FAGPA, private practice, White Plains, New York
Mary Pellicci Hamilton, MSAT, ATR-BC, LPC, Art for Therapy, LLC, Westport, Connecticut
Russell E. Hilliard, PhD, LCSW, LCAT, MT-BC, CHRC, Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, Rosemont, Illinois
Laura V. Loumeau-May, MPS, ATR-BC, LPC, Journeys Program/Valley Home Care, Inc., Paramus, New Jersey; Art Therapy Graduate Program, Caldwell University, Caldwell, New Jersey; Contemporary Arts Division, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey
Cathy A. Malchiodi, PhD, ATR-BC, LPAT, LPCC, REAT, Trauma-Informed Practice and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute, Louisville, Kentucky; Department of Expressive Therapies, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Margaret M. McGuinness, MA, MEd, ATR-BC, private practice, Southfield, Michigan
Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC, Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute, Santa Rosa, California; Department of Psychology, Sonoma State University, Rhonert Park, California; and Integrative Psychotherapist, Sutter Health, Institute for Health and Healing Santa Rosa, California
Bart Santen, PsyD, Focusing Institute, New York, New York; Mental Health Care Group, Neurofeedback Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Kathy J. Schnur, MEd, RN, CTS, ATR-BC, private practice, Detroit, Michigan
Ellie Seibel-Nicol, MA, ATR-BC, Family Study Center, Danbury, Connecticut
Anne L. Stewart, PhD, Department of Graduate Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Madoka Takada Urhausen, MA, LMFT, ATR-BC, private practice and The Guidance Center, Long Beach, California
Susanne Carroll Duffy, PsyD, RPT-S, Pleasant Point Health Center, Eastport Health Care, Inc., and By The Sea Seminars, Perry, Maine
Lennis G. Echterling, PhD, Department of Graduate Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Cornelia Elbrecht, MA, AThR, School for Initiatic Art Therapy, Apollo Bay, Victoria, Australia
Claire M. Ghetti, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC, CCLS, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, New York, New York; The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Amber Elizabeth Gray, MPH, MA, LPCC, BC-DMT, NCC, Restorative Resources Training and Consulting, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Craig Haen, PhD, RDT, CGP, LCAT, FAGPA, private practice, White Plains, New York
Mary Pellicci Hamilton, MSAT, ATR-BC, LPC, Art for Therapy, LLC, Westport, Connecticut
Russell E. Hilliard, PhD, LCSW, LCAT, MT-BC, CHRC, Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, Rosemont, Illinois
Laura V. Loumeau-May, MPS, ATR-BC, LPC, Journeys Program/Valley Home Care, Inc., Paramus, New Jersey; Art Therapy Graduate Program, Caldwell University, Caldwell, New Jersey; Contemporary Arts Division, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey
Cathy A. Malchiodi, PhD, ATR-BC, LPAT, LPCC, REAT, Trauma-Informed Practice and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute, Louisville, Kentucky; Department of Expressive Therapies, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Margaret M. McGuinness, MA, MEd, ATR-BC, private practice, Southfield, Michigan
Laury Rappaport, PhD, MFT, REAT, ATR-BC, Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute, Santa Rosa, California; Department of Psychology, Sonoma State University, Rhonert Park, California; and Integrative Psychotherapist, Sutter Health, Institute for Health and Healing Santa Rosa, California
Bart Santen, PsyD, Focusing Institute, New York, New York; Mental Health Care Group, Neurofeedback Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Kathy J. Schnur, MEd, RN, CTS, ATR-BC, private practice, Detroit, Michigan
Ellie Seibel-Nicol, MA, ATR-BC, Family Study Center, Danbury, Connecticut
Anne L. Stewart, PhD, Department of Graduate Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Madoka Takada Urhausen, MA, LMFT, ATR-BC, private practice and The Guidance Center, Long Beach, California