Desistance from Sex Offending

Alternatives to Throwing Away the Keys

D. Richard Laws and Tony Ward

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
September 29, 2010
ISBN 9781606239353
Price: $52.00 $10.00?
306 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 11, 2011
ePub ?
Price: $52.00
306 Pages
print + e-book
Hardcover + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $104.00 $62.40
306 Pages
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“A well-written text that advances the discussion of what we, as a society, can and should do with sex offenders....In their present work, Laws and Ward have accelerated the pace of our exploration into the study of desistance from sex offending.”


“Provides an excellent, readable survey of the criminological literature on desistance, the age-crime curve, and offender reintegration research....This is a trailblazing book, and essential reading for clinicians, researchers, academicians, attorneys, and anyone interested in the application of desistance theory to sex-offender rehabilitation.”

Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology

“Practitioners will welcome the more applied nature of the second half of this work with its focus on what the interview and interventions skills and approaches might look like if they adopted a more integrated GLM and desistance approach. The bringing together of theory and practice relies heavily on the work related to the use of life course interviews. Readers will find clear and specific links back to the underpinning theory that informs what is being put forward. They will also find three short case studies used to illustrate how the model might work....Makes an important contribution to theory and policy and should help promote much needed debate about what works with such offenders and what harm some current approaches may be causing offenders and wider society.”

Probation Journal

“Provides an accessible introduction to cutting-edge efforts to rehabilitate sex offenders.”

California Lawyer

“The term 'sex offender' has become a demonizing pejorative, depriving those who have been so labeled of even a modicum of humanity. While fully appreciating the importance of maintaining public safety, Laws and Ward rightfully and courageously remind us of the decency that is still inherent in many who have committed such an offense. The book reviews a wealth of theories and data about how best to assist such persons in their efforts to remain safe and productive citizens.”

—Fred S. Berlin, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

“Researchers and treatment specialists have long been waiting for a book on desistance from sexual offending. Laws and Ward's book is well worth the wait. From two of the most respected practitioner/researchers in the field, Desistance from Sex Offending is a paradigm changer in sex offender treatment and reintegration.”

—Shadd Maruna, PhD, Professor and Director, Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

“In an era of harsher sentences and stricter punishments, especially for sex offenders, this book is a breath of fresh air. Drawing on extensive clinical expertise and wisdom that comes from years of working with sex offenders, Laws and Ward provide an excellent guide to what needs to be done to help sex offenders change their lives and decrease recidivism. The Good Lives model is the future of sex offender treatment, and its concepts need to be incorporated into correctional programming. This book is an essential resource for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers. It would serve as a great text for courses on offender rehabilitation from a psychological or criminological perspective. Students would benefit from the excellent integration of research and theory into clinical practice, and would find the fresh perspective on rehabilitation to be eye opening.”

—Elizabeth L. Jeglic, PhD, Department of Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

“It is rare to find a book that integrates the psychological and criminological literature, particularly in the area of sex offender treatment. This important work offers a unique analysis of current treatment methods and proposes a promising model of offender rehabilitation. The authors acknowledge the complexity of factors that lead to offending and that motivate an individual to desist from offending. Their holistic, strengths-based approach, grounded in positive psychology, addresses the needs of both the offender and the community. This book will enhance the current practice of professionals who treat sex offenders, and holds promise for shifting the focus of the field.”

—Pamela M. Yates, PhD, Cabot Consulting and Research Services, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada