Developing a Schoolwide Framework to Prevent and Manage Learning and Behavior Problems

Second Edition

Kathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Wendy Peia Oakes, and Jemma Robertson Kalberg

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 13, 2019
ISBN 9781462541744
Price: $62.00
257 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
November 13, 2019
ISBN 9781462541737
Price: $41.00
257 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
September 30, 2019
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $41.00
257 Pages
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Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
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257 Pages
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
I. An Introduction to Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered Models of Prevention

1. Preventing and Managing Learning and Behavior Challenges in Our Schools: A Comprehensive, Integrated Approach sample

2. A Look at Evidence Surrounding Tiered Systems

II. Overview of the Ci3T Implementation Manual

3. Designing and Implementing a Ci3T Model: Building a Primary Prevention Plan

4. Examining Tier 1 Efforts: Monitoring Treatment Integrity and Social Validity

III. A Focus on Data-Informed Decision Making

5. Determining How Well Ci3T is Meeting the Goals: Procedures for Monitoring Overall Student Performance

6. Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity, Teacher-Delivered Strategies

7. Supporting Students Who Require More than Primary Prevention Efforts: Tier 2 and Tier 3

IV. Moving Forward: Considerations for Successful Implementation

8. Understanding Implementation Science: Responsible Implementation of System Change Efforts