Dynamics of Romantic Love

Attachment, Caregiving, and Sex

Edited by Mario Mikulincer and Gail S. Goodman

March 14, 2006
ISBN 9781593852702
Price: $72.00
466 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"

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I. Introduction

1. Attachment to Attachment Theory: A Personal Perspective on an Attachment Researcher, Gail S. Goodman

2. Attachment, Caregiving, and Sex within Romantic Relationships: A Behavioral Systems Perspective, Mario Mikulincer

II. Basic Attachment Processes in Couple Relationships

3. What Is Adult Attachment?, Cindy Hazan, Mary Campa, and Nurit Gur-Yaish

4. The Evolution of Attachment in Romantic Relationships, Claudia Chloe Brumbaugh and R. Chris Fraley

5. An Attachment Perspective on Abusive Dynamics in Intimate Relationships, Kim Bartholomew and Colleen J. Allison

6. Sex Differences in Jealousy: A Matter of Evolution or Attachment History?, Kenneth N. Levy, Kristen M. Kelly, and Ejay L. Jack

III. Interplay between the Caregiving and Attachment Systems

7. Responding to Need in Intimate Relationships: Normative Processes and Individual Differences, Nancy L. Collins, AnaMarie C. Guichard, Máire B. Ford, and Brooke C. Feeney

8. Attachment, Mental Representations of Others, and Gratitude and Forgiveness in Romantic Relationships, Mario Mikulincer, Phillip R. Shaver, and Keren Slav

9. Daily Perceptions of Conflict and Support in Romantic Relationships: The Ups and Downs of Anxiously Attached Individuals, Jeffry A. Simpson, Lorne Campbell, and Yanna J. Weisberg

IV. Attachment, Sex, and Love

10. Attachment Styles, Sex Motives, and Sexual Behavior: Evidence for Gender-Specific Expressions of Attachment Dynamics, M. Lynne Cooper, Mark Pioli, Ash Levitt, Amelia E. Talley, Lada Micheas, and Nancy L. Collins

11. How Do I Love Thee?: Implications of Attachment Theory for Understanding Same-Sex Love and Desire, Lisa M. Diamond

12. Attachment-Related Pathways to Sexual Coercion, Deborah Davis

13. How Do Sexuality and Attachment Interrelate?: Goals, Motives, and Strategies, Omri Gillath and Dory A. Schachner

V. Interfaces between Attachment Theory and Other Perspectives on Romantic Love

14. Romantic Relationships from the Perspectives of the Self-Expansion Model and Attachment Theory: Partially Overlapping Circles, Arthur Aron and Elaine N. Aron

15. Implications of Attachment Theory for Research on Intimacy, Harry T. Reis

16. Seasons of the Heart, Ellen Berscheid

17. Dynamics of Romantic Love: Comments, Questions, and Future Directions, Phillip R. Shaver