Early Intervention for Trauma and Traumatic Loss
Edited by Brett T. Litz
I. Predictors and Course of Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Traumatic Grief
2. Acute Stress Disorder: Course, Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment, Bryant
3. Risk and Resilience Factors in the Etiology of Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, D. W. King, Vogt and L. A. King
4. Conceptual and Definitional Issues in Complicated Grief, Gray, Prigerson, and Litz
II. Empirical Research on Early Interventions for Trauma and Traumatic Loss
5. Early Intervention for Trauma in Adults: A Framework for First Aid and Secondary Prevention, Litz and Gray
6. Early Intervention with Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, Van Horn and Lieberman
7. Early Mental Health Interventions for Trauma and Traumatic Loss in Children and Adolescents, Cohen
8. Early Mental Health Interventions for Traumatic Loss in Adults, Raphael and Wooding
9. Methodological and Ethical Issues in Early Intervention Research, Gray, Litz, and Olson
III. Special Topics
10. The Professional Response to the Aftermath of September 11, 2001, in New York City: Lessons Learned from Treating Victims of the World Trade Center Attacks, Neria, Suh, and Marshall
11. Sexual Trauma: Impact and Recovery, Rauch and Foa
12. When the Helpers Need Help: Early Intervention for Emergency and Relief Services Personnel, Eriksson, Foy, and Larson
13. Evaluating and Treating Injured Trauma Survivors in Trauma Care Systems, Zatzick and Wagner
14. Early Intervention for Psychological Consequences of Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accidents, Blanchard, Hickling, Kuhn, and Broderick
15. The Challenge of Providing Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention in the U.S. Military, Castro, Engel, and Adler
16. Closing Remarks, Litz