Early Literacy Instruction and Intervention

Third Edition
The Interactive Strategies Approach

Donna M. Scanlon, Kimberly L. Anderson, Erica M. Barnes, and Joan M. Sweeney

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 29, 2024
ISBN 9781462553662
Price: $83.00
532 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
April 2, 2024
ISBN 9781462553655
Price: $55.00
532 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 7, 2024
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $55.00
532 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: $110.00 $66.00
532 Pages
Supplementary materials available in both Standard and Premium versions
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Preface to the Third Edition


I. Theoretical and Practical Understandings of Early Literacy Learning and Instruction

1. Early Literacy Learning and the Interactive Strategies Approach sample

2. Responsive Instruction

3. Motivation to Read and Write

II. Understanding Print and the English (Alphabetic) Writing System

4. Purposes, Concepts, and Conventions of Print

5. Phonemic Awareness

6. Letter Naming and Letter Formation

7. Letter–Sound (Grapheme–Phoneme) Relationships

8. The Alphabetic Principle and the Alphabetic Code: Early Development

9. Rimes and Word Families

10. The Alphabetic Principle and the Alphabetic Code: Later Development

11. Morphological Units and Multisyllabic Words

III. Word Learning

12. Strategic Word Solving, Word Identification, and Word Learning

13. High-Frequency Word Learning and Word Identification

IV. Meaning Construction

14. Text-Reading Fluency

15. Vocabulary and Oral Language Development

16. Comprehension and General Knowledge

V. Integration of the Goals: Putting It All Together

17. Small-Group Instruction

18. Revisiting and Concluding


