Effective Interventions for Social-Emotional Learning
Frank M. Gresham
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 31, 2017
ISBN 9781462532001
Price: $54.00 246 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderNovember 7, 2017
ISBN 9781462531998
Price: $36.00246 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“In recent years, the fuller articulation of SEL strategies has galvanized practice with students with emotional and behavioral challenges. Yet there remains a great need for clear, concise implementation guidance for practitioners and educators—which is exactly what Gresham provides. This book offers an amazingly comprehensive overview of what is needed to achieve the goal of supporting all students' social–emotional skill development. The volume reflects Gresham's mastery of the research evidence and his decades-long history as a leader in the field. This is the best book I have seen on the topic.”

—Jeffrey R. Sprague, PhD, Professor and Director, Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior, University of Oregon
“This is one of those rare books that are equally useful for experienced clinicians and students in training. It offers a masterful review of practices that can effectively be used with typically developing children and adolescents as well as those who have developmental disorders or externalizing or internalizing disorders, or who are deaf or hard of hearing. The book is based on a three-tiered positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) model, with practical assessment techniques, interventions, and realistic case studies for each tier. Each chapter ends with important summary points that are directly tied to implications for practice.”

—William R. Jenson, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Utah
“No single researcher has had a greater impact on the area of social skills assessment and intervention than Frank Gresham. If you want to learn about social skills for children and adolescents, this is the one source you must have. It is the perfect book for a variety of practitioners and researchers in psychology, education, social work, and counseling. It could help schools transform their efforts to promote the social competence and well-being of students.”

—Clayton R. Cook, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Minnesota
“Given the growing interest in SEL, this book is quite timely. It is a great resource for classroom use. As in all of his books, Gresham offers a thoughtful examination of research and evidence-based practices, going beyond simply summarizing the existing knowledge to provide powerful new insights and tools for practitioners.”

—T. Chris Riley-Tillman, PhD, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri–Columbia

—Jeffrey R. Sprague, PhD, Professor and Director, Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior, University of Oregon
“This is one of those rare books that are equally useful for experienced clinicians and students in training. It offers a masterful review of practices that can effectively be used with typically developing children and adolescents as well as those who have developmental disorders or externalizing or internalizing disorders, or who are deaf or hard of hearing. The book is based on a three-tiered positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) model, with practical assessment techniques, interventions, and realistic case studies for each tier. Each chapter ends with important summary points that are directly tied to implications for practice.”

—William R. Jenson, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Utah
“No single researcher has had a greater impact on the area of social skills assessment and intervention than Frank Gresham. If you want to learn about social skills for children and adolescents, this is the one source you must have. It is the perfect book for a variety of practitioners and researchers in psychology, education, social work, and counseling. It could help schools transform their efforts to promote the social competence and well-being of students.”

—Clayton R. Cook, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Minnesota
“Given the growing interest in SEL, this book is quite timely. It is a great resource for classroom use. As in all of his books, Gresham offers a thoughtful examination of research and evidence-based practices, going beyond simply summarizing the existing knowledge to provide powerful new insights and tools for practitioners.”

—T. Chris Riley-Tillman, PhD, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri–Columbia