Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice
A Minding the Baby Approach
Arietta Slade
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
1. Minding the Baby™ and Reflective Parenting: An Introduction
I. Theoretical and Scientific Bases for Minding the Baby Parenting
2. The Foundations of Attachment Theory and Research
3. Pathways to Secure Attachment: Caregiver Sensitivity
4. Pathways to Secure Attachment: Parental Mentalizing
5. Impaired Mentalizing and Trauma
6. Adversity, Toxic Stress, and Resilience
II. Establishing the Relational Foundations of Reflection
7. The Relational Foundations of Reflection
8. The Relational Foundations of Reflection in the Clinician
9. The Relational Foundations of Reflection in Parents and Children
III. Building Reflective Capacities
10. Enhancing Parental Reflective Functioning: General Considerations
11. Reflective Nursing
12. Parental Mental Health
13. Clinical Applications of the Pregnancy and Parent Development Interviews
IV. Clinical Applications of Minding the Baby Parenting
14. Brenda, Aidan, and Allie
15. Yolanda, Manny, and Mildred
16. Genevieve, Jared, and Jimmy
17. Embracing Complexity
Appendix I. The Pregnancy Interview, Arietta Slade
Appendix II. The Parent Development Interview—Short Version (2004), Arietta Slade, J. Lawrence Aber, Brenda Berger, Ivan Bresgi, and Merryle Kaplan