Executive Function in Education
Second Edition
From Theory to Practice
Edited by Lynn Meltzer

1. Executive Function: Binding Together the Definitions of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities, Martha Bridge Denckla & E. Mark Mahone
2. Hill, Skill, and Will: Executive Function from a Multiple Intelligences Perspective,
Seana Moran & Howard Gardner
3. Executive Capacities from a Developmental Perspective, Jane Holmes Bernstein & Deborah P. Waber
4. The Development of Hot and Cool Executive Function: A Foundation for Learning in the Preschool Years, Andrei D. Semenov & Philip David Zelazo
II. Executive Function in Different Diagnostic Groups: Challenges of Identification and Treatment
5. Executive Function Difficulties and Learning Differences: Assessment for Teaching, Lynn Meltzer, Julie Dunstan-Brewer, & Kalyani Krishnan
6. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities and Executive Function: The Challenges of Effective Assessment and Teaching, Judith A. Stein & Kalyani Krishnan
7. Executive Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Research to Practice, Meghan Miller, Patricia L. Schetter, & Sally Ozonoff
III. Executive Function Processes in Reading and Other Content Areas
A: Reading: Current Findings and Interventions
8. Executive Function and Reading Difficulties: A Tale of Complexity in Diagnosis and Treatment, Jonathan D. Scheff, Neena M. Hudson, Mary Tarsha, & Laurie E. Cutting
9. Working Memory and Reading: Is there Evidence for an Executive Processing Deficit?, H. Lee Swanson & Jennifer E. Kong
10. Self-Regulation and Reading Comprehension: Self-Perceptions, Self-Evaluations, and Effective Strategies for Intervention, Tami Katzir, Vered Markovich, Einat Tesler, & Michal Shany
B. Interventions across the Content Areas
11. Creating Strategic Classrooms and Schools: Embedding Executive Function Strategies in the Curriculum, Lynn Meltzer
12. The Strategic Math Classroom: How Executive Function Impacts Math Learning, Joan Steinberg & Bethany Roditi
13. Self-Regulated Strategy Development in Writing: A Classroom Example of Developing Executive Function Processes and Future Directions, Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham, Linda Mason, Debra McKeown, & Natalie Olinghouse
14. Optimizing Executive Function in the Digital World: Advances in Universal Design for Learning, Samantha G. Daley & David H. Rose