Exemplary Instruction in the Middle Grades
Teaching That Supports Engagement and Rigorous Learning
Edited by Diane Lapp and Barbara Moss
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 5, 2011
ISBN 9781462502813
Price: $38.00338 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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“This amazingly thorough book makes a major contribution to middle school education—at just the right time. It addresses the challenges that teachers face with the advent of the Common Core State Standards, and does so in a refreshing, empowering way. It models ways to motivate students, promote literacy in meaningful contexts of use, and become more reflective as teachers who are also learners. This is a great text for classes in literacy methods, content-area literacy methods, and middle school education, both at undergraduate and graduate levels.”
—Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, PhD, English Education Program, Boise State University
“This book is essential reading for professional development providers, school-based leaders, and teachers seeking to significantly improve instructional outcomes across content areas. Lapp and Moss provide a potpourri of strategies from educational thought leaders that deepen content knowledge, honor multiple literacies, and offer practical routines that support diverse learners. As more districts and schools adopt the Common Core State Standards, this book will be a 'go-to' guide.”
—Samuel A. Reed, III, MEd, school-based instructional specialist, Beeber Middle School, Philadelphia
“The volume speaks directly to teachers' needs, exposing the shortcomings of worn-out practices and showing how to implement research-based alternatives that hold real promise. The authors provide classroom vignettes, step-by-step guidance, instructional tools, and resources. Teachers will recognize themselves and their goals in these pages and will find both encouragement and support to renew their teaching for new times. A valuable resource for reflective teaching and professional development.”
—Cynthia L. Greenleaf, PhD, Codirector, Strategic Literacy Initiative, WestEd, Oakland, California
“This 'multimodal' volume includes both traditional and digital-age strategies for promoting learning across the curriculum. The contributing authors write in a personal style that is both interesting and easy to understand. Each chapter is set in a middle school classroom and focuses on helping both novice and seasoned teachers provide authentic classroom practices for today’s students, who are electronically savvy and often disconnected from traditional instruction. The helpful, focused ideas in this book will prompt you to engage your students in challenging, authentic learning in every subject area. I would definitely use this book as a text in our master's-level secondary literacy course.”
—Karen Bromley, PhD, School of Education, Binghamton University, State University of New York
—Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, PhD, English Education Program, Boise State University
“This book is essential reading for professional development providers, school-based leaders, and teachers seeking to significantly improve instructional outcomes across content areas. Lapp and Moss provide a potpourri of strategies from educational thought leaders that deepen content knowledge, honor multiple literacies, and offer practical routines that support diverse learners. As more districts and schools adopt the Common Core State Standards, this book will be a 'go-to' guide.”
—Samuel A. Reed, III, MEd, school-based instructional specialist, Beeber Middle School, Philadelphia
“The volume speaks directly to teachers' needs, exposing the shortcomings of worn-out practices and showing how to implement research-based alternatives that hold real promise. The authors provide classroom vignettes, step-by-step guidance, instructional tools, and resources. Teachers will recognize themselves and their goals in these pages and will find both encouragement and support to renew their teaching for new times. A valuable resource for reflective teaching and professional development.”
—Cynthia L. Greenleaf, PhD, Codirector, Strategic Literacy Initiative, WestEd, Oakland, California
“This 'multimodal' volume includes both traditional and digital-age strategies for promoting learning across the curriculum. The contributing authors write in a personal style that is both interesting and easy to understand. Each chapter is set in a middle school classroom and focuses on helping both novice and seasoned teachers provide authentic classroom practices for today’s students, who are electronically savvy and often disconnected from traditional instruction. The helpful, focused ideas in this book will prompt you to engage your students in challenging, authentic learning in every subject area. I would definitely use this book as a text in our master's-level secondary literacy course.”
—Karen Bromley, PhD, School of Education, Binghamton University, State University of New York