Group Treatment for Substance Abuse
Second Edition
A Stages-of-Change Therapy Manual
Mary Marden Velasquez, Cathy Crouch, Nanette Stokes Stephens, and Carlo C. DiClemente

The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
I. How to Help People Change
1. How People Change: The Transtheoretical Model
2. Strategies for Facilitating Change
3. Putting It All Together: Setting Up and Carrying Out the Intervention
II. Thinking about Changing Substance Use
P/C/P Sequence: Precontemplation–Contemplation–Preparation
P/C/P Session 1: The Stages of Change
Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising
P/C/P Session 2: Myths and Misconceptions
Change Process Objectives: Consciousness Raising, Self-Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 3: Alcohol’s Effects on the Body
Change Process Objectives: Consciousness Raising, Self-Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 4: Drugs’ Effects on the Body
Change Process Objectives: Consciousness Raising, Self-Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 5: The Brain and Substance Use
Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising
P/C/P Session 6: Expectations
Change Process Objectives: Consciousness Raising, Self-Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 7: Personal Values
Change Process Objectives: Self-Reevaluation, Emotional Arousal
P/C/P Session 8: Expressions of Concern
Change Process Objectives: Self-Reevaluation, Environmental Reevaluation, Emotional Arousal
P/C/P Session 9: Relationships
Change Process Objective: Environmental Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 10: Tipping the Balance of Change
Change Process Objectives: Decisional Balance, Self-Reevaluation, Environmental Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 11: Gratitude
Change Process Objective: Emotional Arousal
P/C/P Session 12: Roles
Change Process Objective: Environmental Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 13: Self-Control
Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation
P/C/P Session 14: Temptation and Confidence
Change Process Objectives: Self-Efficacy, Self-Reevaluation, Environmental Reevaluation
P/C/P Session 15: Problem Solving
Change Process Objectives: Self-Efficacy, Social Liberation
P/C/P Session 16: Preparing for Change
Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation
P/C/P Session 17: Review and Termination
Change Process Objectives: Self-Reevaluation, Self-Efficacy
III. Making Changes in Substance Use
A/M Sequence: Action–Maintenance
A/M Session 1: The Stages of Change
Change Process Objective: Consciousness Raising
A/M Session 2: High-Risk Situations
Change Process Objective: Stimulus Control
A/M Session 3: Mindfulness
Change Process Objective: Counterconditioning
A/M Session 4: Disrupting Habits
Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning
A/M Session 5: Managing Cravings and Urges
Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 6: Acceptance
Change Process Objective: Counterconditioning
A/M Session 7: Rewarding My Successes
Change Process Objective: Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 8: Assertive Communication
Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 9: Effective Refusals
Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 10: Managing Criticism
Change Process Objectives: Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 11: Positive Thinking
Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 12: Managing Anxiety
Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning
A/M Session 13: Wellness
Change Process Objectives: Stimulus Control, Counterconditioning, Reinforcement Management
A/M Session 14: Moving Forward
Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation
A/M Session 15: Recommitting after a Slip
Change Process Objective: Self-Liberation
A/M Session 16: Social Support
Change Process Objective: Helping Relationships
A/M Session 17: Building Your Future
Change Process Objective: Social Liberation
A/M Session 18: Review and Termination
Change Process Objectives: Self-Efficacy, Reinforcement Management
Appendix. Professional Contacts and Suggested Resources