Growing Up with Autism

Working with School-Age Children and Adolescents

Edited by Robin L. Gabriels and Dina E. Hill

November 22, 2010
ISBN 9781609181475
Price: $41.00
302 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2007

I. The Individual with Autism

1. Understanding Behavioral and Emotional Issues in Autism, Robin L. Gabriels

2. Medical Health Assessment and Treatment Issues in Autism, Edward Goldson and Margaret Bauman

3. Sexuality and Autism: Individual, Family, and Community Perspectives and Interventions, Robin L. Gabriels and Mary E. Van Bourgondien

4. Communication and Language Issues in Less Able School-Age Children with Autism, Diane Twachtman-Cullen and Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly

5. Sensory Processing Disorders in Children with Autism: Nature, Assessment, and Intervention, Eynat Gal, Sharon A. Cermak, and Ayelet Ben-Sasson

6. Assistive Technology as an Aid in Reducing Social Impairments in Autism, Ofer Golan, Paul G. LaCava, and Simon Baron-Cohen

II. Family and Caregivers of the Individual with Autism

7. Advocating for Services: Legal Issues Confronting Parents and Guardians, Wayne Steedman

8. Family Resources during the School-Age Years, April W. Block and Stephen R. Block

9. Family Vacations and Leisure Time: Considerations and Accommodations, Sharon Lerner-Baron

III. Community Aspects of Intervention

10. Building a Foundation for Successful School Transitions and Educational Placement, Ramona Noland, Nancy Cason, and Alan Lincoln

11. Translating Early Intervention into Positive Outcomes, Laurie Sperry and Gary Mesibov

12. School Consultation and Interventions for Middle School and High School Students with Autism, Brian R. Lopez, Dina E. Hill, Sandy Shaw, and Robin L. Gabriels

13. Criminal Justice Issues and Autistic Disorder, Alicia V. Hall, Michele Godwin, Harry H. Wright, and Ruth K. Abramson