Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 1

Edited by Susan B. Neuman and David K. Dickinson

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
April 7, 2003
ISBN 9781572308954
Price: $66.00
494 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2001
May 8, 2017
Price: $66.00
494 Pages
Copyright Date: 2001
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494 Pages
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I. Ways of Conceptualizing Early Literacy Development

1. Introduction, Neuman and Dickinson

2. Emergent Literacy: Development from Prereaders to Readers, Whitehurst and Lonigan

3. A Sociocultural Perspective on Early Literacy Development, Gee

4. Literacy and Oral Language: Implications for Early Literacy Acquisition, Watson

5. Some Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Studying Literacy in Social Context, Pellegrini

6. Alphabetic Anxiety and Explicit, Systematic Phonics Instruction: A Cognitive Science Perspective, Adams

7. Brains, Genes, and Environment in Reading Development, Olson and Gayan

II. Strands of Early Literacy Development

8. Connecting Early Language and Literacy to Later Reading (Dis)abilities: Evidence, Theory, and Practice, Scarborough

9. Early Phonological Development and the Acquisition of Literacy, Goswami

10. Writing and Children's Symbolic Repertoires: Development Unhinged, Dyson

11. Invented Spelling, Phonemic Awareness, and Reading and Writing Instruction, Richgels

III. Home and Community Influences

12. Young Bilingual Children and Early Literacy Development, Tabors and Snow

13. Joint Caregiver¿Child Storybook Reading: A Route to Literacy Development, Bus

14. Early Language and Literacy Skills in Low-Income African American and Hispanic Children, Vernon-Feagans, Hammer, Miccio, and Manlove

15. Making Schools Work for Low-Income Families in the 21st Century, Goldenburg

16. The Complex Interplay between Biology and Environment: Otitis Media and Mediating Effects on Early Literacy Development, Roberts and Burchinal

IV. Schooling Influences: The Preschool Years

17. Early Literacy and Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Rethinking the Paradigm, New

18. The Nature and Impact of Early Childhood Care Environments on the Language and Early Literacy Development of Children from Low-Income Families, Dickinson and Sprague

19. Environment and Its Influences for Early Literacy Teaching and Learning, Roskos and Neuman

V. Instructional Materials and Classroom Practices

20. Emergent Literacy Skills, Early Instruction, and Individual Differences as Determinants of Difficulties in Learning to Read: The Case for Early Intervention, Vellutino and Scanlon

21. Early Intervention for African American Children Considered to Be at Risk, Strickland

22. Teaching Phonics and Phonological Awareness, Stahl

23. Literature-Based Instruction in the Early Years, Morrow and Gambrell

24. The Texts of Beginning Reading Instruction, Hiebert and Martin

25. Early Literacy Development: The Case for "Informed Assessment," Johnston and Rogers

26. Assessing the Literacy of Young Children: A Case for Multiple Forms of Evidence, Salinger

VI. Special Intervention Efforts

27. Preschool Education for Economically Disadvantaged Children: Effects on Reading Achievement and Related Outcomes, Barnett

28. Intergenerational Family Literacy: Concepts, Research, and Practice, Wasik, Dobbins, and Herrmann

29. The Complex World of One-on-One Tutoring, Invernizzi

30. Title 1 and Special Education: Support for Children Who Struggle to Learn to Read, McGill-Franzen and Goatley