Handbook of Research on Literacy and Diversity

Edited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, and Diane Lapp
Foreword by Edmund W. Gordon
Afterword by Eric J. Cooper

November 3, 2010
ISBN 9781609181451
Price: $63.00
464 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2009

Foreword: Every Child Must Be Visible If We Are to Succeed as a World-Class Nation, Edmund W. Gordon

Introduction, Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, and Diane Lapp

I. Perspectives about Learning among Diverse Students

1. Relating Diversity and Literacy Theory, Honorine Nocon and Michael Cole

2. Policy Related to Issues of Diversity and Literacy: Implications for English Learners, Eugene E. Garcia and Ann-Marie Wiese

3. What Do We Know about the Discourse Patterns of Diverse Students in Multiple Settings?, Iliana Reyes, Leisy Wyman, Norma González, Eliane Rubinstein-Ávila, Karen Spear-Ellinwood, Perry Gilmore, and Luis C. Moll

4. Family Literacy: Recognizing Cultural Significance, Patricia A. Edwards, Jeanne R. Paratore, and Nancy L. Roser

5. Poverty and Its Relation to Development and Literacy, Pedro Portes and Spencer Salas

6. Language, Literacy, and Content: Adolescent English Language Learners, Robert T. Jiménez and Brad L. Teague

II. Special Issues Concerning Literacy

7. Academic English and African American Vernacular English: Exploring Possibilities for Promoting the Literacy Learning of All Children, Cynthia H. Brock, Gwendolyn Thompson McMillon, Julie L. Pennington, Dianna Townsend, and Diane Lapp

8. Engaging Diverse Students in Multiple Literacies In and Out of School, Cheryl A. McLean, Erica C. Boling, and Jennifer Rowsell

9. The New Literacies of Online Reading Comprehension and the Irony of No Child Left Behind: Students Who Require our Assistance the Most Actually Receive It the Least, Donald J. Leu, J. Gregory McVerry, W. Ian O’Byrne, Lisa Zawilinski, Jill Castek, and Douglas K. Hartman

10. Roles of Engagement, Valuing, and Identification in Reading Development of Students from Diverse Backgrounds, John T. Guthrie, Robert Rueda, Linda B. Gambrell, and Danette A. Morrison

11. Robust Informal Learning Environments for Youth from Nondominant Groups: Implications for Literacy Learning in Formal Schooling, Kris Gutiérrez and Carol D. Lee

12. Assessing Student Progress in the Time of No Child Left Behind, Georgia Earnest García and Eurydice B. Bauer

13. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Effective Management of Language Arts Instruction, D. Ray Reutzel, Lesley Mandel Morrow, and Heather Casey

III. Strategies for Teaching

14. Cross-Language Transfer of Phonological, Orthographic, and Semantic Knowledge, María S. Carlo

15. Learning to Read in English: Teaching Phonics to Beginning Readers from Diverse Backgrounds, Linnea C. Ehri

16. Vocabulary Instruction for Diverse Students, Susan Watts Taffe, Camille L. Z. Blachowicz, and Peter J. Fisher

17. Comprehension: The Means, Motive, and Opportunity for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners, Susie M. Goodin, Catherine M. Weber, P. David Pearson, and Taffy E. Raphael

18. Helping Diverse Learners to Become Fluent Readers, Melanie R. Kuhn and Timothy Rasinski

IV. Preparing Teachers to Teach Literacy to Diverse Students

19. Teacher Knowledge in Culturally and Linguistically Complex Classrooms: Lessons from the Golden Age and Beyond, Django Paris and Arnetha F. Ball

20. Protecting Our Investment: Induction and Mentoring of Novice Teachers in Diversity-Rich Schools, Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher

21. Professional Development: Continuing to Understand How to Teach Children from Diverse Backgrounds, Margarita Calderón

Afterword: From "Just a Teacher" to Justice in Teaching: Working in the Service of Education, the New Civil Right, Eric J. Cooper