Handbook of Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection
Edited by Mark D. Alicke and Constantine Sedikides
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 17, 2010
ISBN 9781609180027
Price: $130.00 524 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“An edited, scholarly book focusing on strategies people use to improve or maintain their self-image....Instructors teaching different psychology courses can find interesting topics for class discussions....The editors and authors do an excellent job providing readers with evidence for self-enhancement and self-protection processes. In addition to learning about the most recent findings on this topic, readers of this handbook will glean information necessary to pose new research questions to investigate.”

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“A remarkably comprehensive review and analysis of a vibrant area. The volume is stunning in its breadth and depth, integrating the rich tradition of theory and research on self-enhancement and self-protection with cutting-edge developments in social neuroscience, social cognition, and interpersonal relations. Equally impressive, the Handbook bridges basic research and real-world applications, addressing clinical, health, and social policy implications. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this is an invaluable resource for students and specialists alike.”

—June Price Tangney, PhD, University Professor of Psychology, George Mason University
“This unique volume teases apart two psychological motives that are often confused. Contrasting these motives in one well-integrated book makes it abundantly clear that two distinct mechanisms are involved. The editors have solicited an all-star roster of contributors who complement each other interestingly. A broad range of perspectives are represented, from neurological substrates to cultural differences.”

—Del Paulhus, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“How do people go about enhancing their favorable views of themselves? How do they protect themselves against losing face and losing self-esteem? This excellent book provides a rich and thought-provoking survey of research on these questions. The drive to make a good name for oneself and protect it from disparagement underlies a wide range of human strivings, from high achievements to the deepest excesses of interpersonal evil. This book has much to offer anyone interested in human nature.”

—Roy F. Baumeister, PhD, Francis Eppes Professor of Psychology, Florida State University

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“A remarkably comprehensive review and analysis of a vibrant area. The volume is stunning in its breadth and depth, integrating the rich tradition of theory and research on self-enhancement and self-protection with cutting-edge developments in social neuroscience, social cognition, and interpersonal relations. Equally impressive, the Handbook bridges basic research and real-world applications, addressing clinical, health, and social policy implications. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this is an invaluable resource for students and specialists alike.”

—June Price Tangney, PhD, University Professor of Psychology, George Mason University
“This unique volume teases apart two psychological motives that are often confused. Contrasting these motives in one well-integrated book makes it abundantly clear that two distinct mechanisms are involved. The editors have solicited an all-star roster of contributors who complement each other interestingly. A broad range of perspectives are represented, from neurological substrates to cultural differences.”

—Del Paulhus, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“How do people go about enhancing their favorable views of themselves? How do they protect themselves against losing face and losing self-esteem? This excellent book provides a rich and thought-provoking survey of research on these questions. The drive to make a good name for oneself and protect it from disparagement underlies a wide range of human strivings, from high achievements to the deepest excesses of interpersonal evil. This book has much to offer anyone interested in human nature.”

—Roy F. Baumeister, PhD, Francis Eppes Professor of Psychology, Florida State University