Handbook of Writing Research
Second Edition
Edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 13, 2015
ISBN 9781462522439
Price: $83.00 464 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderOctober 31, 2016
ISBN 9781462529315
Price: $55.00464 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
A new edition will be published May 23, 2025.
“This book as a whole is an amazing tour de force. Every chapter is informative, detailed, and instructive....Essential reading for those in the field, for those who want to know about it, and for those who want to join in.”

—PsycCRITIQUES (on the first edition)
“This handbook offers welcome breadth in its consideration of writing instruction and assessment from cognitive, neuropsychological, pedagogical, and sociocultural perspectives. Updates in the second edition include useful chapters on the use of computerized tutoring and other cutting-edge issues. There is also new information on research methods, teaching writing to English language learners, and more. The inclusion of such topics as writing to learn, argumentative writing, and the relationship between writing and reading is consistent with the Common Core English Language Arts standards. Many of the contributors are prominent writing researchers. The volume is comprehensive and has good potential as a text in graduate programs in literacy and educational psychology.”

—Dolores Perin, PhD, Teachers College, Columbia University
“Anyone who wants to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of writing research will welcome this extensively revised second edition. An attractive text for graduate courses, the book provides students with a valuable survey of the field. Most chapters are entirely new; the few that are not have been updated to account for recent findings. The authors represent diverse points of view on writing research and offer lucid accounts of their perspectives. Of special note are chapters that provide thoughtful challenges to widely accepted beliefs about writing, such as Mark Torrance’s persuasive critique of accepted wisdom about planning and Richard Hudson’s case for the importance of teaching grammar.”

—John R. Hayes, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), Carnegie Mellon University
“The theoretical and methodological lenses represented in the second edition range widely, and analytical tools that technology has enabled are discussed. More embracing of international and newer scholars than its predecessor, the volume offers readers the opportunity not only to pursue their main interests, but also to sample—and perhaps delve into—additional areas. Among the notable additions is a chapter on professional development, a key topic given efforts internationally to raise student writing performance. This is a book that invites revisiting.”

—Judy M. Parr, PhD, Head of School of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of Auckland, New Zealand
“This updated and expanded second edition is as comprehensive as its predecessor. What sets this volume apart from other handbooks is its vast array of perspectives from around the globe, including both veteran researchers and rising scholars. A 'must read' for advanced graduate students and writing researchers alike.”

—Susan De La Paz, PhD, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park
“This singular volume attests to the maturity and breadth of writing research. MacArthur, Graham, and Fitzgerald have gone to great lengths to achieve this impressive roadmap. The volume presents deep theoretical understandings, multifaceted views on typical and atypical writing development, cutting-edge analytic tools, and evidence-based, insightful instructional approaches. It provides literacy scholars, students, and practitioners with a blueprint and the necessary wisdom to confront the challenges of writing instruction in the 21st century.”

—Rui A. Alves, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal

—PsycCRITIQUES (on the first edition)
“This handbook offers welcome breadth in its consideration of writing instruction and assessment from cognitive, neuropsychological, pedagogical, and sociocultural perspectives. Updates in the second edition include useful chapters on the use of computerized tutoring and other cutting-edge issues. There is also new information on research methods, teaching writing to English language learners, and more. The inclusion of such topics as writing to learn, argumentative writing, and the relationship between writing and reading is consistent with the Common Core English Language Arts standards. Many of the contributors are prominent writing researchers. The volume is comprehensive and has good potential as a text in graduate programs in literacy and educational psychology.”

—Dolores Perin, PhD, Teachers College, Columbia University
“Anyone who wants to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of writing research will welcome this extensively revised second edition. An attractive text for graduate courses, the book provides students with a valuable survey of the field. Most chapters are entirely new; the few that are not have been updated to account for recent findings. The authors represent diverse points of view on writing research and offer lucid accounts of their perspectives. Of special note are chapters that provide thoughtful challenges to widely accepted beliefs about writing, such as Mark Torrance’s persuasive critique of accepted wisdom about planning and Richard Hudson’s case for the importance of teaching grammar.”

—John R. Hayes, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), Carnegie Mellon University
“The theoretical and methodological lenses represented in the second edition range widely, and analytical tools that technology has enabled are discussed. More embracing of international and newer scholars than its predecessor, the volume offers readers the opportunity not only to pursue their main interests, but also to sample—and perhaps delve into—additional areas. Among the notable additions is a chapter on professional development, a key topic given efforts internationally to raise student writing performance. This is a book that invites revisiting.”

—Judy M. Parr, PhD, Head of School of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of Auckland, New Zealand
“This updated and expanded second edition is as comprehensive as its predecessor. What sets this volume apart from other handbooks is its vast array of perspectives from around the globe, including both veteran researchers and rising scholars. A 'must read' for advanced graduate students and writing researchers alike.”

—Susan De La Paz, PhD, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park
“This singular volume attests to the maturity and breadth of writing research. MacArthur, Graham, and Fitzgerald have gone to great lengths to achieve this impressive roadmap. The volume presents deep theoretical understandings, multifaceted views on typical and atypical writing development, cutting-edge analytic tools, and evidence-based, insightful instructional approaches. It provides literacy scholars, students, and practitioners with a blueprint and the necessary wisdom to confront the challenges of writing instruction in the 21st century.”

—Rui A. Alves, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal