Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety
Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)
Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, and Chelsea Lynch
1. What Is Social Anxiety?
2. Why Treat Social Anxiety at School?
3. Identifying Students Struggling with Social Anxiety
II. Promoting Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)
4. Educating Teenagers about Social Anxiety
5. Socially Anxious Thinking 101
6. Realistic Thinking
7. Go Ahead, Start the Conversation
8. Maintaining Conversations and Extending Invitations
9. The Secret to Meaningful Conversations: Listening to What Others Say
10. Your Needs Matter: Learn to Speak Up!
11. Facing Your Fears: Creating a Fear Ladder
12. Climbing the Ladder: Exposure Practice in School
III. Supplementary Strategies
13. Getting Parents Involved: How Can They Help?
14. School Social Events and Peer Facilitators
15. Classroom Strategies for Teachers
IV. Other Practical and Clinical Considerations
16. The Nuts and Bolts of Helping Anxious Students at School: Putting It All Together
17. Applying Intervention Skills to Other Anxiety Concerns
18. Keep It Up!: Ways to Maintain Student Progress