How Connections Heal
Stories from Relational-Cultural Therapy
Edited by Maureen Walker and Wendy B. Rosen
Foreword by Jean Baker Miller
orderApril 22, 2004
ISBN 9781593850326
Price: $41.00 258 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“How Connections Heal is an exemplary contribution to the all-too-scant literature that discusses clinical process from the viewpoint of both clients and therapists. The eleven case studies address a range of clinical modalities, including individual, couple, and group therapy, while also considering treatment approaches with women in prison, delinquent girls, and substance abusers. The authors’ interest in and ability to utilize an understanding of cultural variables is intrinsic to the treatment model, and is of particular value to mental health practitioners treating diverse clients. This book will be read and reread, both by graduate students in the various mental health fields and by experienced therapists who wish to advance their understanding of how treatment actually works. Regardless of the reader’s theoretical orientation, the book makes an impressive and eloquent argument for the value of studying case material in fine detail.”

—Gerald Schamess, MSS, Professor Emeritus, Smith College School for Social Work
“A major contribution to the psychotherapy literature. Superbly organized and written chapters present a rich and wide array of cases, providing articulate, powerful illustrations of how relational-cultural theory can be applied in practice. Up-close views of work with diverse clients include fascinating discussions of therapist self-reflection and the repair of therapeutic errors. Much more of a 'page turner' than one can usually hope for in a professional book, How Connections Heal presents therapeutic dilemmas with which readers will readily identify and shows how other therapists have resolved them, interweaving cultural and feminist perspectives throughout. This is a highly interesting and informative resource for new as well as seasoned psychotherapists.”

—Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD, ABPP, private practice, Austin, Texas; past president, American Psychological Association Society for the Psychology of Women (Division 35) and Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17)
“How Connections Heal delivers the crucial message that therapists can help or harm because of who we are and what we bring to our work, rather than because of an impersonal set of techniques we use with every client. If relational-cultural theory (RCT) is the 'why,' this book addresses the 'how,' presenting first-person accounts of the use of RCT in an impressively broad range of arenas, from individual psychotherapy to groups of women in prisons. Valuable reading for undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in psychotherapy, personality theory, and psychopathology.”

—Paula J. Caplan, PhD, Brown University, author of Don't Blame Mother and The Myth of Women's Masochism

—Gerald Schamess, MSS, Professor Emeritus, Smith College School for Social Work
“A major contribution to the psychotherapy literature. Superbly organized and written chapters present a rich and wide array of cases, providing articulate, powerful illustrations of how relational-cultural theory can be applied in practice. Up-close views of work with diverse clients include fascinating discussions of therapist self-reflection and the repair of therapeutic errors. Much more of a 'page turner' than one can usually hope for in a professional book, How Connections Heal presents therapeutic dilemmas with which readers will readily identify and shows how other therapists have resolved them, interweaving cultural and feminist perspectives throughout. This is a highly interesting and informative resource for new as well as seasoned psychotherapists.”

—Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD, ABPP, private practice, Austin, Texas; past president, American Psychological Association Society for the Psychology of Women (Division 35) and Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17)
“How Connections Heal delivers the crucial message that therapists can help or harm because of who we are and what we bring to our work, rather than because of an impersonal set of techniques we use with every client. If relational-cultural theory (RCT) is the 'why,' this book addresses the 'how,' presenting first-person accounts of the use of RCT in an impressively broad range of arenas, from individual psychotherapy to groups of women in prisons. Valuable reading for undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in psychotherapy, personality theory, and psychopathology.”

—Paula J. Caplan, PhD, Brown University, author of Don't Blame Mother and The Myth of Women's Masochism