Immigrant Families in Contemporary Society

Edited by Jennifer E. Lansford, Kirby Deater-Deckard, and Marc H. Bornstein
Afterword by Carola Suarez-Orozco

January 16, 2009
ISBN 9781606232477
Price: $48.00
336 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2007

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Introduction: Immigrant Families in Contemporary Society, Marc H. Bornstein, Kirby Deater-Deckard, and Jennifer E. Lansford

I. Foundations and Perspectives

1. Family Circumstances of Children in Immigrant Families: Looking to the Future of America, Donald J. Hernandez, Nancy A. Denton, and Suzanne E. Macartney

2. Health of Children in Immigrant Families, Fernando S. Mendoza, Joyce R. Javier, and Anthony E. Burgos

3. Ethnic Identity Development in Immigrant Families, Jean S. Phinney and Anthony D. Ong

4. Acculturation Strategies and Adaptation, John W. Berry

5. Immigrant Families in Sociology, Vappu Tyyskä

6. How Economists Have Studied the Immigrant Family, Neeraj Kaushal and Cordelia Reimers

II. Illustrations of Diversity in Family Processes

7. Knowledge of Child Development and Family Interactions among Immigrants to America: Perspectives from Developmental Science, Marc H. Bornstein and Linda R. Cote

8. A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Development of Young Children in Immigrant Families, P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, Angela Valdovinos D'Angelo, and Natalia Palacios

9. Managing the Differences Within: Immigration and Early Education in the United States, Robert H. Bradley and Lorraine McKelvey

10. The Role of Preschool and After-School Policies in Improving the School Achievement of Children of Immigrants, Jane Waldfogel and Claudia Lahaie

11. Cultural and Religious Contexts of Parenting by Immigrant South Asian Muslim Mothers, Fariyal Ross-Sheriff, M. Taqi Tirmazi, and Tasanee R. Walsh

12. Immigration, Globalization, and the Chinese American Family, Bernard P. Wong

III. Immigrant Families in Social Contexts

13. Immigrant Families and the Educational Development of Their Children, Andrew J. Fuligni and Allison Sidle Fuligni

14. Work–Family Linkages in the Lives of Families of Mexican Origin, Kimberly A. Updegraff, Ann C. Crouter, Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor, and Emily Cansler

15. Building Bridges: Strategies to Promote Academic and Psychological Resilience for Adolescents of Mexican Origin, Nancy A. Gonzales, Larry E. Dumka, Anne Marie Mauricio, and Miguelina Germán

16. The Role of the Law in Relationships within Immigrant Families: Traditional Parenting Practices in Conflict with American Concepts of Maltreatment, Doriane Lambelet Coleman

Closing Thoughts, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Marc H. Bornstein, and Jennifer E. Lansford

Afterword: Reflections on Research with Immigrant Families, Carola Suárez-Orozco