
Theory, Assessment, and Treatment

Edited by Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson

June 20, 1997
ISBN 9781572302259
Price: $88.00
462 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"

Introduction, Jackson and Webster

I. Perspectives

1. A Clinical Perspective on Impulsivity, Webster and Jackson

2. A Legal Perspective on the Concept of "Impulsivity," Ogloff

3. A Social Psychological Perspective on Impulsivity: Intimate Violence as an Example, Dutton

4. A Sociological Perspective on Impulsivity: Some Cautionary Comments on the Genesis of a Clinical Construct, Menzies

5. A Cybernautical Perspective on Impulsivity and Addiction, Clark

II. Foundations

6. The Biopsychology of Impulsivity: Focus on Brain Serotonin, Coscina

7. Brain Impairment in Impulsive Violence, Bowman

8. Impulsivity in Adults: A Critical Review of Measurement Approaches, Parker and Bagby

9. Impulsivity in Children and Adolescents, Zaparniuk and Taylor

10. Impulsivity in Major Mental Disorders, Coles

11. Impulsivity in DSM-IV Impulse-Control Disorders, Hucker

12. Impulsivity and Psychopathy, Hart and Dempster

13. A Conceptual Model for the Study of Violence and Aggression, Jackson

III. Practice: Assessment

14. Assessing Risk of Violence to Others, Webster, Douglas, Eaves, and Hart

15. Assessing Risk of Suicide in Correctional Settings, Polvi

16. Assessing Risk of Violence in Wife Assaulters: The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide, Kropp and Hart

17. Assessing Risk of Sexual Violence: Guidelines for Clinical Practice, Boer, Wilson, Gauthier, and Hart

18. A Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments, Webster

IV. Practice: Treatment

19. Mentally Disordered Offenders: What Research Says about Effective Service, Harris and Rice

20. Pharmacological Approaches to Impulsive and Aggressive Behavior, Conacher

21. A Systems Approach to the Management of Impulsive Behavior, Eaves, Tien, and Wilson

22. Integrated Support: A Case Approach to the Management of Impulsive People, Ryan

23. A Guide for Creating Treatment Programs, Webster