Infants, Toddlers, and Families in Poverty

Research Implications for Early Child Care

Edited by Samuel L. Odom, Elizabeth P. Pungello, and Nicole Gardner-Neblett

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
August 16, 2012
ISBN 9781462504954
Price: $72.00
382 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
August 21, 2012
ePub ?
Price: $72.00
382 Pages
print + e-book
Hardcover + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $144.00 $86.40
382 Pages
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Lawrence Aber, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Applied Psychology and Public Policy at New York University.

Kathleen Baggett, PhD, is Associate Research Professor at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project at the University of Kansas.

John E. Bates, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Patricia J. Bauer, PhD, is Senior Associate Dean for Research at Emory University and the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Psychology.

Lisa J. Berlin, PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work.

Daniel Berry, EdD, is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Neuroscience and Education Lab in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University.

Clancy Blair, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University.

Caitlin C. Brez, PhD, is a Research Associate and postdoctoral trainee at the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies at the University of Kansas.

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, PhD, is the Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Child Development at Teachers College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University and Co-Director of the National Center for Children and Families at Columbia.

Jay Buzhardt, PhD, is Associate Research Professor at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project at the University of Kansas.

Natasha J. Cabrera, PhD, is Associate Professor of Human Development at the University of Maryland.

Judith J. Carta, PhD, is Director of Early Childhood Research at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, Senior Scientist in the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies, and Professor of Special Education at the University of Kansas.

Rachel Chazan-Cohen, PhD, is Associate Professor of Applied Developmental Psychology at George Mason University.

John Colombo, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies at the University of Kansas.

Allison H. Friedman, EdM, is a doctoral student in applied psychology at New York University.

Nicole Gardner-Neblett, PhD, is an Investigator at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PhD, holds the H. Rodney Sharp Chair in the School of Education at the University of Delaware, with joint appointments in the Department of Psychology and the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science.

Rachel A. Gooze, MPH, is a PhD student in public health at Temple University.

Charles Greenwood, PhD, is Director of the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project and Professor of Applied Behavioral Science at the University of Kansas.

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD, is the Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Professor in the Department of Psychology at Temple University, where she serves as Director of the Infant Language Laboratory and Co-Director (with Roberta Michnick Golinkoff) of the Center for Re-imagining Children’s Learning and Education (CiRCLE).

Erika Hoff, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at Florida Atlantic University.

Brenda Jones Harden, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Early Childhood Education Program of the Department of Human Development at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Kathleen N. Kannass, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Loyola University of Chicago.

Ellen Eliason Kisker, PhD, is President and Managing Partner of Twin Peaks Partners, LLC (TPP).

John M. Love, PhD, provides independent consulting in early care and education research and policy.

Colleen Monahan, BA, is a doctoral student in the Human Development Program at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Samuel L. Odom, PhD, is Director of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Silvia Place, MA, is a PhD candidate in the Psychology program at Florida Atlantic University.

Elizabeth P. Pungello, PhD, is a Scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, a Research Associate Professor in the Developmental Psychology Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Mentor Faculty member at the Center for Developmental Science.

Helen Raikes, PhD, is Professor, Child, Youth and Family Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Cheri A. Vogel, PhD, currently directs the Early Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (Baby FACES).

Dale Walker, PhD, is Associate Research Professor at the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project at the University of Kansas.

Robert C. Whitaker, MD, MPH, is Professor of Public Health and Pediatrics at Temple University.

Meryl Yoches, BA, is a doctoral student in Human Development at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Barry S. Zuckerman, MD, is the Joel and Barbara Alpert Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center.