Integrated Group Therapy for Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Roger D. Weiss and Hilary S. Connery

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
March 11, 2011
ISBN 9781609180607
Price: $44.00 $10.00?
224 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
June 23, 2011
Price: $44.00
224 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $88.00 $52.80
224 Pages
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I. Overview of Integrated Group Therapy

1. An Introduction to Integrated Group Therapy

2. General Principles of Integrated Group Therapy for Co-Occurring Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

3. Therapist Guide for the Integrated Group Therapy Pregroup Interview

4. Conducting an Integrated Group Therapy Session

II. Integrated Group Therapy Sessions

Session 1. It’s Two against One, but You Can Win!

Session 2. Identifying and Fighting Triggers

Session 3. Dealing with Depression without Abusing Substances

Session 4. Dealing with Family Members and Friends

Session 5. Denial, Ambivalence, and Acceptance

Session 6. Reading Your Signals: Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Trouble

Session 7. Refusing Alcohol and Drugs: Thinking It Through and Knowing What to Say

Session 8. Using Self-Help Groups

Session 9. Taking Medication

Session 10. Recovery versus Relapse Thinking: It Matters What You Do

Session 11. Taking Care of Yourself

Session 12. Taking the Group with You

Appendix A. Rating Adherence and Fidelity: Ensuring That Integrated Group Therapy Is Done Properly

Appendix B. Bulletin Board Material

Appendix C. Frequently Asked Questions about Integrated Group Therapy