Integrated Treatment for Dual Disorders

A Guide to Effective Practice

Kim T. Mueser, Douglas L. Noordsy, Robert E. Drake, and Lindy Fox Smith

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
April 25, 2003
ISBN 9781572308503
Price: $72.00
470 Pages
Size: 8⅜" x 10⅞"
May 18, 2015
Price: $72.00
470 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $144.00 $86.40
470 Pages
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I. Basics

1. Substance Abuse and Severe Mental Illness

2. Principles of Integrated Treatment

3. Basic Organizational Factors

II. The Assessment Process

4. Assessment I: Detection, Classification, and Functional Assessment

5. Assessment II: Functional Analysis and Treatment Planning

III. Individual Approaches

6. Stage-Wise Case Management

7. Motivational Interviewing

8. Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling

IV. Group Interventions

9. Persuasion Groups

10. Active Treatment Groups

11. Social Skills Training Groups

12. Self-Help Groups

V. Working with Families

13. Family Collaboration

14. Behavioral Family Therapy

15. Multiple-Family Groups

VI. Other Treatment Approaches

16. Residential Programs and Other Housing Options

17. Involuntary and Coerced Interventions

18. Vocational Rehabilitation

19. Psychopharmacology

VII. Research

20. Research on Dual-Disorder Treatment

Epilogue: Avoiding Burnout and Demoralization


A. Dual-Disorder Treatment Fidelity Scale

B. Educational Handouts

C. Assessment Instruments and Other Forms