Integrated Treatment for Personality Disorder
A Modular Approach
Edited by W. John Livesley, Giancarlo Dimaggio, and John F. Clarkin
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 24, 2015
ISBN 9781462522880
Price: $78.00 478 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderDecember 15, 2016
ISBN 9781462529858
Price: $52.00478 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
“This is a wonderful book about a wonderful concept. The authors obviously put a significant amount of time and effort into creating and framing the integrated modular approach….They have constructed the clearest and most rational approach so far. They have gathered the leading authorities on multiple different therapeutic modalities for the treatment of personality disorders and managed to get a focused, mostly unified framework for treatment of these patients. *****!”

—Doody's Review Service
“This is the most important book on the treatment of personality disorder to be published in many years. Clinicians have been confused by conflicting claims for unique efficacy, but research shows that all successful approaches are based on the same principles. We need one method combining the best ideas of all the others, and based on a broad theory of psychopathology. This volume shows, in clear prose, how that can be accomplished.”

—Joel Paris, MD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University, Canada
“Integrative treatment of personality disorders has finally come of age with this spectacular book! Following the early therapeutic nihilism of treating personality disorders and the subsequent profusion of theoretical models, we end with the predictable result that disparate structured treatments produce comparable outcomes, for the most part. It is high time to systematically integrate principles from all effective therapies into learnable modules, as done here. Three master scientist-practitioners deliver the best psychotherapy book I have read this year. A game-changer for clinicians treating personality disorders.”

—John C. Norcross, PhD, ABPP, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Scranton
“An engaging, informative, authoritative review by a 'who's who' of personality theorists, practitioners, and researchers. The editors propose an integrative model that draws on proven interventions. A 'must read' for anybody interested in the vexing, ever-elusive question of what personality disorder is and how to treat individuals who have it.”

—Lorna Smith Benjamin, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Utah
“Personality disorders are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Fortunately, this situation is improving rapidly, as we learn more about these complex disorders and how to intervene effectively. This volume represents a major landmark along the path toward synthesizing recent treatment advances. A stellar group of contributors articulate the feasibility of a unified approach to personality disorder treatment, transcending narrow schools and building toward a comprehensive approach. This is a rich and deep contribution that belongs on every practitioner’s bookshelf; it will also be a boon to students in graduate-level psychotherapy courses.”

—Robert F. Krueger, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This volume offers a revolutionary reconceptualization of personality disorder treatment, moving beyond a simplistic consideration of 'empirically supported treatments' for categorical diagnostic concepts that themselves have little empirical support. The editors provide a roadmap for combining several extant therapies in a way that addresses patients' key individual differences. The modules described can target impairments common to all forms of personality disorder as well as features that delineate different disorders. From an all-star cast of researchers, theorists, and clinicians, this book articulates a new paradigm for approaching the treatment challenges of personality disorder.”

—Leslie C. Morey, PhD, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences (Emeritus), Texas A&M University

—Doody's Review Service
“This is the most important book on the treatment of personality disorder to be published in many years. Clinicians have been confused by conflicting claims for unique efficacy, but research shows that all successful approaches are based on the same principles. We need one method combining the best ideas of all the others, and based on a broad theory of psychopathology. This volume shows, in clear prose, how that can be accomplished.”

—Joel Paris, MD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University, Canada
“Integrative treatment of personality disorders has finally come of age with this spectacular book! Following the early therapeutic nihilism of treating personality disorders and the subsequent profusion of theoretical models, we end with the predictable result that disparate structured treatments produce comparable outcomes, for the most part. It is high time to systematically integrate principles from all effective therapies into learnable modules, as done here. Three master scientist-practitioners deliver the best psychotherapy book I have read this year. A game-changer for clinicians treating personality disorders.”

—John C. Norcross, PhD, ABPP, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Scranton
“An engaging, informative, authoritative review by a 'who's who' of personality theorists, practitioners, and researchers. The editors propose an integrative model that draws on proven interventions. A 'must read' for anybody interested in the vexing, ever-elusive question of what personality disorder is and how to treat individuals who have it.”

—Lorna Smith Benjamin, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Utah
“Personality disorders are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Fortunately, this situation is improving rapidly, as we learn more about these complex disorders and how to intervene effectively. This volume represents a major landmark along the path toward synthesizing recent treatment advances. A stellar group of contributors articulate the feasibility of a unified approach to personality disorder treatment, transcending narrow schools and building toward a comprehensive approach. This is a rich and deep contribution that belongs on every practitioner’s bookshelf; it will also be a boon to students in graduate-level psychotherapy courses.”

—Robert F. Krueger, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This volume offers a revolutionary reconceptualization of personality disorder treatment, moving beyond a simplistic consideration of 'empirically supported treatments' for categorical diagnostic concepts that themselves have little empirical support. The editors provide a roadmap for combining several extant therapies in a way that addresses patients' key individual differences. The modules described can target impairments common to all forms of personality disorder as well as features that delineate different disorders. From an all-star cast of researchers, theorists, and clinicians, this book articulates a new paradigm for approaching the treatment challenges of personality disorder.”

—Leslie C. Morey, PhD, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences (Emeritus), Texas A&M University