Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality

Third Edition

T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, and Gary Groth-Marnat

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 15, 2012
ISBN 9781462509799
Price: $58.00
490 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2011
November 15, 2012
Price: $58.00
490 Pages
Copyright Date: 2011
print + e-book
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490 Pages
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1. Introduction to Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality, Larry E. Beutler, Rita Rosner, Gary Groth-Marnat, T. Mark Harwood, and Hui-Qi Tong

2. Approaching the Patient: Referral Contexts, Test Selection, and Clinical Judgment, Gary Groth-Marnat, Larry E. Beutler, T. Mark Harwood, and Lisa Joseph

3. Identifying Treatment-Relevant Assessment: Systematic Treatment Selection/InnerLife, T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, Oliver B. Williams, and R. Scott Stegman

4. The Integrative Clinical Interview, Paulo Machado, Larry E. Beutler, T. Mark Harwood, David Mohr, and Samarea Lenore

5. Integrating Intelligence and Personality, Elizabeth J. Austin, Gregory J. Boyle, Gary Groth-Marnat, Gerald Matthews, Donald H. Saklofske, Vicki L. Schwean, and Moshe Zeidner

6. The MMPI-2, James N. Butcher, Larry E. Beutler, T. Mark Harwood, and Kathy Blau

7. The Personality Assessment Inventory, Leslie C. Morey, Sara E. Lowmaster, T. Mark Harwood, and Daniel Pratt

8. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, Paul D. Retzlaff, Thomas Dunn, and T. Mark Harwood

9. The NEO Inventories, Robert R. McCrae, T. Mark Harwood, and Sarah L. Kelly

10. The Rorschach and Performance-Based Assessment, Radhika Krishnamurthy, Robert P. Archer, and Gary Groth-Marnat

11. Integrative Personality Assessment in Special Settings, Gary Groth-Marnat, Ronald A. Stolberg, Bruce Bongar, and Keith Burke

12. Integrative Personality Assessment with Older Adults and Ethnic Minorities, Martha R. Crowther, Audrey L. Austin, Forrest Scogin, T. Mark Harwood, and Sean Harrell

13. Applying Assessment Information: Decision Making, Patient Feedback, and Consultation, Richard W. Levak, R. Sean Hogan, Larry E. Beutler, and Xiaoxia Song

14. The Integrated Psychological Report, Steven Kvaal, James Choca, Gary Groth-Marnat, and Ari Davis

Appendix A. Test Scores for D. K. by Chapter

Appendix B. Test Publishers/Distributors

Appendix C. Systematic Treatment Selection Analysis