Intensifying Mathematics Interventions for Struggling Students
Edited by Diane Pedrotty Bryant

2. Effective Mathematical Practices for Mathematics Instruction and Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Barbara J. Dougherty
3. Data-Based Individualization: A Framework for Providing Intensive Intervention to Students with Mathematics Difficulties, Pamela M. Seethaler, Lynn S. Fuchs, & Douglas Fuchs
4. Intensifying Early Numeracy Interventions, Benjamin S. Clarke, Christian T. Doabler, Marah Sutherland, Marissa P. Suhr, & Elisheba W. Kiru
5. Time and Money Measurement, Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Maryam Nozari, & Brian R. Bryant
6. Improving Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency with Number Combinations and Computation, Sarah R. Powell, Suzanne R. Forsyth, & Melissa K. Driver
7. Extending Students’ Knowledge of Fractions as Relational Quantities: Teaching for Understanding, Jessica H. Hunt & Katherine E. Lewis
8. Intensifying Mathematics Word-Problem-Solving Interventions for Students with or At Risk for Mathematics Difficulties, Asha K. Jitendra & Jennifer Krawec
9. Algebra, Barbara Dougherty, Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Jihyun Lee, & Brian R. Bryant
10. Use of Technology for Intensifying Mathematics Intervention, Min Wook Ok, Mikyung Shin, Brian R. Bryant, & Diane Pedrotty Bryant