Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry
A Relational Approach
Ruthellen Josselson
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 29, 2013
ISBN 9781462510009
Price: $36.00 206 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
1.The Foundations of Interviewing as Qualitative Inquiry
2. Introduction to the Research Relationship
3. Planning the Interview
4. Beginning the Interview
5. The Empathic Attitude of Listening
6. The Research Relationship, Part II: Ethics and Humanity
7. The Good Interview
8. Learning from Bad and Difficult Interviews
9. Dos and Don'ts of Interviewing
10. After the Interview
11. Conclusion
Appendix A. Interview Aids
Appendix B. Sample Additional Questions
Appendix C. Sample Informed Consent Form