Literacy Changemakers
Bringing the Joy of Reading and Writing into Focus for Teachers and Students
Kenneth Kunz, Maureen Hall, and Rachel Lella
Foreword by Diane Lapp
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 17, 2020
ISBN 9781462544547
Price: $50.00 156 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderSeptember 17, 2020
ISBN 9781462544509
Price: $33.00156 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
This inspiring book shows how K–12 teachers, literacy specialists and coaches, and school- and district-level administrators can work together to make needed instructional improvements while fostering a lifelong love of reading and writing. The book presents collaborative leadership strategies and research-based best practices for creating joyful, effective learning environments. It includes ways to evaluate and recalibrate literacy programs for sustainable change, provide students with a wide variety of engaging reading opportunities, meet the needs of English learners and adolescent learners, partner with families, and enhance professional learning and development. Teacher-friendly features include practical tips and “Stop, Think, and Take Action” sections in each chapter. Several reproducible forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8½“ x 11” size.