Literacy Teacher Education
Principles and Effective Practices
Deborah G. Litt, Susan D. Martin, and Nancy A. Place
Foreword by Victoria J. Risko
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 23, 2014
ISBN 9781462518418
Price: $62.00 272 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderNovember 24, 2014
ISBN 9781462518326
Price: $41.00272 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Deborah G. Litt, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education at Trinity University in Washington, D.C., where she directs the Reading Program and teaches courses in literacy learning, instruction, and assessment to preservice and inservice teachers. Earlier in her career she worked as an independent consultant introducing Writer’s Workshop to schools in the D.C. metropolitan area, and then for ten years as a Reading Recovery teacher and reading specialist in Title 1 schools. Her current research interests include emergent and early reading, reading difficulties, and literacy teacher education.
Susan D. Martin, PhD, is Professor in the Literacy Department at Boise State University. She has taught a range of literacy courses, including courses dedicated to writing/writing instruction at undergraduate and graduate levels. She was an elementary classroom teacher for eighteen years and still spends one day a week in a partner school, working with teacher candidates, mentor teachers, and others. Her research interests include writing teacher education, classroom writing instruction, and self-study of her teacher education practices.
Nancy A. Place, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education and Associate Director of the Education Program at University of Washington, Bothell. Over the course of nearly 30 years she has been a classroom teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, coach, and district curriculum specialist. She currently teaches courses on literacy development and instruction and assessment, and facilitates groups of candidates seeking National Board certification. Her research interests include preservice and inservice teacher education and emergent literacy.
Susan D. Martin, PhD, is Professor in the Literacy Department at Boise State University. She has taught a range of literacy courses, including courses dedicated to writing/writing instruction at undergraduate and graduate levels. She was an elementary classroom teacher for eighteen years and still spends one day a week in a partner school, working with teacher candidates, mentor teachers, and others. Her research interests include writing teacher education, classroom writing instruction, and self-study of her teacher education practices.
Nancy A. Place, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education and Associate Director of the Education Program at University of Washington, Bothell. Over the course of nearly 30 years she has been a classroom teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, coach, and district curriculum specialist. She currently teaches courses on literacy development and instruction and assessment, and facilitates groups of candidates seeking National Board certification. Her research interests include preservice and inservice teacher education and emergent literacy.