Lying and Deception in Everyday Life

Edited by Michael Lewis and Carolyn Saarni

February 5, 1993
ISBN 9780898628944
Price: $54.00
221 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

1. Deceit and Illusion in Human Affairs, Saarni and Lewis.

2. What a Tangled Web: Deception and Self-Deception in Philosophy, Solomon.

3. Animals as Liars: The Human Face of Nonhuman Duplicity, Mitchell.

4. The Development of Deception, Lewis.

5. The Socialization of Emotional Dissemblance, Saarni & von Salisch.

6. Sex Differences in Lying: How Women and Men Deal with the Dilemma of Deceit, DePaulo, Epstein, & Wyer.

7. Looking at Oneself in a Rose-Colored Mirror: The Role of Excuses in the Negotiation of a Personal Reality, Sigmon & Snyder.

8. Lying to Yourself: The Enigma of Self-Deception, Baumeister.

9. Lies that Fail, Ekman & Frank.

10. Understanding Malingering: Motivation, Method, and Detection, Kropp & Rogers.