Major Theories of Personality Disorder

Second Edition

Edited by Mark F. Lenzenweger and John F. Clarkin

November 5, 2004
ISBN 9781593851088
Price: $88.00
464 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"


1. The Personality Disorders: History, Classification, and Research Issues, Mark F. Lenzenweger and John F. Clarkin

2. A Cognitive Theory of Personality Disorders, James L. Pretzer and Aaron T. Beck

3. A Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Disorders, Otto F. Kernberg and Eve Caligor

4. Interpersonal Theory of Personality Disorders: The Structural Analysis of Social Behavior and Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy, Lorna Smith Benjamin

5. An Attachment Model of Personality Disorders, Björn Meyer and Paul A. Pilkonis

6. A Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory of Personality Disorders, Aaron L. Pincus

7. Personology: A Theory Based on Evolutionary Concepts, Theodore Millon and Seth D. Grossman

8. A Neurobehavioral Dimensional Model of Personality Disturbance, Richard A. Depue and Mark F. Lenzenweger