Making Room for the Disavowed
Reclaiming the Self in Psychotherapy
Paul L. Wachtel
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orderSeptember 5, 2023
ISBN 9781462553181
Price: $77.00 336 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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Price: $51.00336 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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Paul L. Wachtel, PhD, is Distinguished Professor in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at The City College of New York. Dr. Wachtel has been a leading voice for integrative thinking in the human sciences and is a cofounder and past president of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. He is a recipient of the Hans H. Strupp Memorial Award; the Distinguished Psychologist Award from Division 29 (Psychotherapy) of the American Psychological Association (APA); the Scholarship and Research Award from Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of APA; and the Sidney J. Blatt Award for Outstanding Contributions to Psychotherapy, Scholarship, Education and Practice.