Managing Geographic Information Systems
Second Edition
Nancy J. Obermeyer and Jeffrey K. Pinto
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 3, 2007
ISBN 9781593856359
Price: $78.00360 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
1. The Continuing Need for a Management Focus in GIS
2. Geographic Information Science: Evolution of a Profession
3. The Role of Geographic Information within an Organization's IT
4. Keeping the G in GIS: Why Geography Still Matters
5. GIS and the Strategic Planning Process
6. Implementing a GIS: Theories and Practice
7. Organizational Politics and GIS Implementation
8. Economic Justification for GIS Implementation
9. Sharing Geographic Information across Organizational Boundaries
10. Metadata for Geographic Information
11. Policy Conflicts and the Role of GIS: Public Participation and GIS
12. Ensuring the Qualifications of GIS Professionals
13. Legal Issues in GIS
14. Ethics for the GIS Professional
15. Envisioning a Future