Methods for Disaster Mental Health Research

Edited by Fran H. Norris, Sandro Galea, Matthew J. Friedman, and Patricia J. Watson

August 3, 2006
ISBN 9781593853105
Price: $61.00
326 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

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I. Introduction to the Field

1. Definitions and Concepts in Disaster Research, Alexander C. McFarlane and Fran H. Norris

2. Psychosocial Consequences of Disasters: A Review of Past Research, Fran H. Norris and Carrie L. Elrod

II. Research Fundamentals

3. Choosing Research Methods to Match Research Goals in Studies of Disaster or Terrorism, Carol S. North and Fran H. Norris

4. Formulating Questions about Postdisaster Mental Health, Charles C. Benight, Alexander C. McFarlane, and Fran H. Norris

5. Ethical Issues in Disaster Research, Alan R. Fleischman, Lauren Collogan, and Farris Tuma

III. Methods for Sampling and Data Collection

6. Basic Epidemiological Approaches to Disaster Research: Value of Face-to-Face Procedures, Evelyn J. Bromet and Johan M. Havenaar

7. Telephone-Based Research Methods in Disaster Research, Sandro Galea, Michael Bucuvalas, Heidi Resnick, John Boyle, David Vlahov, and Dean Kilpatrick

8. Web-Based Methods in Disaster Research, William E. Schlenger and Roxane Cohen Silver

9. School-Based Studies of Children Following Disasters, Annette M. La Greca

10. Qualitative Approaches to Studying the Effects of Disasters, Lawrence A. Palinkas

IV. Research for Planning, Policy, and Service Delivery

11. Public Mental Health Surveillance and Monitoring, Sandro Galea and Fran H. Norris

12. Mental Health Services and Evaluation Research: Precepts, Pragmatics, and Politics, Craig S. Rosen and Helena E. Young

13. Evidence-Based Treatments for Traumatic Stress: An Overview of the Research with an Emphasis on Disaster Settings, Laura E. Gibson, Jessica L. Hamblen, Michael J. Zvolensky, and Anka A. Vujanovic

14. Strategies for Dissemination of Evidence-Based Treatments: Training Clinicians after Large-Scale Disasters, Randall D. Marshall, Lawrence Amsel, Yuval Neria, and Eun-Jung Suh

V. Special Challenges in Disaster Research

15. Conducting Research with Children and Adolescents after Disaster, Alan M. Steinberg, Melissa J. Brymer, Jesse R. Steinberg, and Betty Pfefferbaum

16. Conducting Research with Military and Uniformed Services Workers, Carol S. Fullerton, James E. McCarroll, and Robert J. Ursano

17. Conducting Research in Minority and Marginalized Communities, Russell T. Jones, James M. Hadder, Franklin Carvajal, Sara Chapman, and Apryl Alexander

18. Conducting Research in Other Countries, Arthur D. Murphy, Julia L. Perilla, and Eric Jones

19. Disaster Mental Health Research: Challenges for the Future, Matthew J. Friedman

Appendix 1. Disasters Mentioned in the Text, Sandro Galea

Appendix 2. Searching the Traumatic Stress Literature, Fred Lerner