Mindful of Words

Second Edition
Spelling and Vocabulary Explorations, Grades 4-8

Kathy Ganske

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 23, 2020
ISBN 9781462544288
Price: $77.00
406 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
September 23, 2020
ISBN 9781462544271
Price: $51.00
406 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
September 24, 2020
Price: $51.00
406 Pages
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Price: $102.00 $61.20
406 Pages
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Kathy Ganske, PhD, is Research Professor, Retired, in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Vanderbilt University. She has been involved in researching, using, refining, and teaching about word study practices since the 1990s. Dr. Ganske’s work is grounded in extensive teaching experience in elementary classrooms. Her recent research interests include vocabulary development during small-group word study instruction and literacy reform in challenging schools. Dr. Ganske is the author, coauthor, or editor of several books, including Word Journeys, Second Edition; Word Sorts and More, Second Edition; and Mindful of Words, Second Edition, as well as numerous articles and book chapters.