Motivational Interviewing for Effective Classroom Management

The Classroom Check-Up

Wendy M. Reinke, Keith C. Herman, and Randy Sprick

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
July 13, 2011
ISBN 9781609182588
Price: $47.00
228 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
August 22, 2011
Price: $47.00
228 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $94.00 $56.40
228 Pages
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1. Introduction to the Classroom Check-Up

2. Effective Classroom Behavior Management: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

3. Ingredients of Effective Consultation

4. Motivational Interviewing Applied to Teacher Consultation

5. The Classroom Check-Up Classwide Consultation Model

6. Interview and Assessment

7. Feedback and Beyond

8. Developing Effective Strategies for Classroom Change

9. Other Applications and Future Directions


Appendix A. Motivational Interviewing Form

Appendix B. Classroom Check-Up Interview and Observation Forms

Appendix C. Classroom Check-Up Feedback and Action Planning Forms

Appendix D. Intervention Planning Forms