Music Therapy Handbook
Second Edition
Edited by Michael Viega, Andeline dos Santos, and Barbara L. Wheeler
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1. Overview of Music Therapy as a Profession, Nsamu Moonga & Natasha Thomas
2. Aesthetics in Music Therapy: Supporting the Creative Impulse to Flourish, Hakeem Leonard & Andeline dos Santos
3. Music Therapy and the Brain, Kimberly Sena Moore & Concetta Tomaino
4. Ethics in Music Therapy, Debbie Bates
5. Music Therapy Treatment Process, Amy Clarkson & Carol Lotter
6. Music Therapy Research, Anthony Meadows
II. Approaches to Practice
7. A Framework for Conceptually Locating Music Therapy Practice, Brian Abrams
8. Outcomes in Music Therapy Practice, Bill Matney & Eugenia Hernandez Ruiz
9. Experience-Oriented Approaches in Music Therapy, Suzannah Scott-Moncrieff & Alan Turry
10. Ecological Approaches to Music Therapy, Jasmine Edwards & Katrina Skewes McFerran
III. Music Therapy Practices
- Section A. Development, Identity, and Facets of Human Diversity
11. Music Therapy and Childhood Development, Kristen O’Grady & Amelia Oldfield
12. Music Therapy, Children, and Complex Trauma, CharCarol Fisher & Stephenie Sofield
13. Embracing Multiplicities: Reflections on After-Queer Practices, Maevon Gumble, Braedyn Inmon, & Kay Schachner
14. Music Therapy and Disability, Carolyn Shaw & Maren Metell
15. Music Therapy, Autism, and Neurodiversity, Ming Yuan Low & Daphne Rickson
16. Music Therapy, Healthy Aging, and Dementia, Hanne Mette Ridder & Indra Selvarajah
17. Music Therapy and Spirituality Development, Giorgos Tsiris, Noah Potvin, Faith Halverson-Ramos, & Hilary Moss
- Section B. Music Therapy and Mental Health
18. Music Therapy as a Resource for Mental Health, Peter Jampel & Tríona McCaffrey
19. Music Therapy and Substance Use Disorders, Kathleen M. Murphy & Laurien Hakvoort
20. Music Therapy and Trauma, Gene Ann Behrens & Brian T. Harris
21. Music Therapy, Stress, and Anxiety, Jennifer Sokira & Audrey Hausig
22. Music Therapy and Veterans and Military Members, Diane G. Langston & Sarah Pugliese
- Section C. Music Therapy and Ecological Practices
23. Music Therapy with Refugees: Crossing Borders, Alpha Woodward, Mackenzie Kay Conner, & Krzysztof Stachyra
24. Community Music Therapy with Violence-Affected Youth, Sunelle Fouché, Caley Garden, & Michael Viega
25. Music Therapy and Working with Court Systems, Helen Oosthuizen & Michael L. Zanders
26. Music Therapy and Family Systems Theory, Kathryn Eberle Cotter & Viggo Krüger
27. Environmental Music Therapy in Hospital Environments, Andrew Rossetti & Jingwen Zhang
- Section D. Music Therapy and Medical Practices
28. Music Therapy for Specific Medical Conditions, John Mondanaro & Debra Burns
29. Music Therapy for Rehabilitation of Acquired Neurological Conditions, Jeanette Tamplin & Jess Rushing
30. Music Therapy for Pain Management, Joy Allen & Lisa Gallagher
31. Music Therapy for Procedural Support, Annie Heiderscheit, Juan Pedro Zambonini, Karinne’ Andonian, & Jennifer Manno
32. Music Therapy in Intensive Care, Raymond Leone & Mark Ettenberger
33. Music Therapy at the End of Life, Amy Clements-Cortés & Clare O’Callaghan
Author Index
Subject Index