Neuropsychological Interviewing of Adults
Edited by Yana Suchy
With Justin B. Miller
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 10, 2023
ISBN 9781462551804
Price: $62.00292 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderMarch 22, 2023
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $62.00 292 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
print + e-book $124.00 $74.40
orderHardcover + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: 292 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
“A 'must read' for neuropsychologists and those in training. One of the most important skills for neuropsychology trainees to learn is how to guide and focus the clinical interview. This involves being aware of the unique information that should be gleaned for specific disorders and conditions, as well as the topics all interviews need to cover. The interview not only helps to formthe basis for the differential diagnosis, but is thekey first stage of the neuropsychological exam.This book rises to the occasion.”

—Dawn Bowers, PhD, ABPP-CN, Professor and Director, Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Program, University of Florida
“In addition to providing an excellent overview of the foundational skills for clinical interviewing—as well as for behavioral observations and collateral interviewing—this text presents the specialized knowledge needed to interview patients in particular settings and with different neuropsychological presentations. This book will have great value to my graduate students as a complement to learning neuropsychological tests in their neuropsychological assessment course or during their first neuropsychological practicum placement. The user-friendly tables will enhance the book's utility for me as a clinical supervisor when patients with more infrequent neurological or neuropsychological presentations are seen in our training clinic.”

—Julie A. Suhr, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, Ohio University
“Finally, there is a high-quality book that will advance your interviewing skills. This book elevates interviewing in clinical practice. The clinical interview is a core component of diagnostics, recommendations, and decision making. The expert contributors provide broad and deep understanding of how to take group data and apply it to the individual. Chapters guide you from assessing nuanced features of clinical populations to test selection and ultimately to integration with behavioral observations and data. The tables are intuitive and a tremendous asset. This book should be required reading for neuropsychology classes. Whether you are an emerging clinician or seasoned practitioner, you need this text in your library.”

—Marc A. Norman, PhD, ABPP-CN, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego

—Dawn Bowers, PhD, ABPP-CN, Professor and Director, Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Program, University of Florida
“In addition to providing an excellent overview of the foundational skills for clinical interviewing—as well as for behavioral observations and collateral interviewing—this text presents the specialized knowledge needed to interview patients in particular settings and with different neuropsychological presentations. This book will have great value to my graduate students as a complement to learning neuropsychological tests in their neuropsychological assessment course or during their first neuropsychological practicum placement. The user-friendly tables will enhance the book's utility for me as a clinical supervisor when patients with more infrequent neurological or neuropsychological presentations are seen in our training clinic.”

—Julie A. Suhr, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, Ohio University
“Finally, there is a high-quality book that will advance your interviewing skills. This book elevates interviewing in clinical practice. The clinical interview is a core component of diagnostics, recommendations, and decision making. The expert contributors provide broad and deep understanding of how to take group data and apply it to the individual. Chapters guide you from assessing nuanced features of clinical populations to test selection and ultimately to integration with behavioral observations and data. The tables are intuitive and a tremendous asset. This book should be required reading for neuropsychology classes. Whether you are an emerging clinician or seasoned practitioner, you need this text in your library.”

—Marc A. Norman, PhD, ABPP-CN, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego