Ordinary Magic
Resilience in Development
Ann S. Masten
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1. Introduction
2. Models of Resilience
II. Studies of Individual Resilience
3. Resilience in a Community Sample: The Project Competence Longitudinal Study
4. Overcoming Disadvantage and Economic Crisis: Homeless Children
5. Mass Trauma and Extreme Adversities: Resilience in War, Terrorism, and Disaster
III. Adaptive Systems in Resilience
6. The Short List and Implicated Protective Systems
7. The Neurobiology of Resilience
8. Resilience in the Context of Families
9. Resilience in the Context of Schools
10. Resilience in the Context of Culture
IV. Moving Forward: Implications for Action and Future Research
11. A Resilience Framework for Action
12. Conclusions and Future Directions
Appendix A. Glossary
Appendix B. Abbreviations
Appendix C. Recommended Readings by Topic