Ordinary Magic
Second Edition
Resilience in Development
Ann S. Masten
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
pre-orderMay 30, 2025
ISBN 9781462557660
Price: $65.00 448 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
pre-orderJune 9, 2025
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $65.00 448 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
print + e-book $130.00 $78.00
pre-orderHardcover + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: 448 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
The new edition will be published May 30, 2025. If you need this title before then, please see the previous edition.
Professors: Do you need to make an adoption decision or update your syllabus for the next term? Request a set of page proofs now for immediate review.
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Professors: Do you need to make an adoption decision or update your syllabus for the next term? Request a set of page proofs now for immediate review.
Sign up for emails on upcoming titles on Trauma & PTSD (with special discounts)!
New to this edition:
- Advances in neurobiology, more international (including non-Western) findings and examples, new discussions of cultural identity development, up-to-date intervention research, and more.
- Heightened focus on the interactions of multiple systems—including families, schools, culture, and communities—in supporting children's resilience.
- Increased attention to the impact of structural inequality, poverty, and intergenerational trauma.
- Coverage of rapidly emerging threats—the risks posed to children by multisystem, cascading disasters, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.