Other Minds

How Humans Bridge the Divide between Self and Others

Edited by Bertram F. Malle and Sara D. Hodges

January 8, 2007
ISBN 9781593854683
Price: $41.00
354 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2005

Daniel R. Ames, PhD, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, NY

Janet Wilde Astington, PhD, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jodie A. Baird, PhD, Department of Psychology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA

Marjorie Barker, PhD, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Dale J. Barr, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, CA

Radu J. Bogdan, PhD, Department of Philosophy, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

Mark H. Davis, PhD, Department of Psychology, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL

Jean Decety, PhD, Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Diego Fernandez-Duque, PhD, Department of Psychology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA

Eva Filippova, MA, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Susan R. Fussell, PhD, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Darren Gergle, MS, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

T. Givón, PhD, Department of Linguistics and Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Sara D. Hodges, PhD, Department of Psychology and Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Daniel D. Hutto, DPhil, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire, Herts, UK

William Ickes, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Arlington, TX

Boaz Keysar, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Robert E. Kraut, PhD, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Anton Kühberger, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria

Robyn Langdon, PhD, Macquarie Center for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

George Loewenstein, PhD, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Bertram F. Malle, PhD, Department of Psychology and Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Lynn C. Miller, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Louis J. Moses, PhD, Department of Psychology and Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Minda Oriña, PhD, Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Josef Perner, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria

Stephen J. Read, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Glenn D. Reeder, PhD, Department of Psychology, Illinois State University, Normal, IL

Michael F. Schober, PhD, Department of Psychology, New School University, New York, NY

Leslie D. Setlock, MA, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Jeffry A. Simpson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

David Trafimow, PhD, Department of Psychology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

James S. Uleman, PhD, Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY

Leaf Van Boven, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO