A Relational Approach to Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment
Paul L. Hewitt, Gordon L. Flett, and Samuel F. Mikail
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 29, 2017
ISBN 9781462528721
Price: $51.00336 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“Very comprehensive…including research findings, case examples, and the history of literature on perfectionism….The authors make the important point that people who suffer from perfectionistic standards often do not get help with this specific problem….One very positive aspect of the book is that it integrates theoretical approaches without trying to push only one orientation….The authors do an excellent job of showing the heterogeneity of perfectionists—etiologies can be very different, although not surprisingly, they share a background of unmet needs….The authors have succeeded in demonstrating that perfectionism is a fundamental personality construct and cannot be minimized by reducing it to neurotic conscientiousness of the five-factor model of personality.”

“This book could be a career saver for narrowly trained recent graduates who have discovered they need a greatly expanded repertoire to cope with clinical reality. Steeped in research and rich with clear examples from clinical practice, the book shows how the destructive 'trait' of perfectionism can be better understood in interpersonal and intrapsychic terms that are directly related to family history, social context, and more. It includes very informative discussions of how to use the authors' integrative approach in individual and group therapy.”

—Lorna Smith Benjamin, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Utah
“The authors have made enormous contributions to our understanding of perfectionism, an affliction that permeates our culture and is implicated in a plethora of mental disorders. This definitive volume lays out their transdiagnostic model of perfectionistic behavior and how to treat it. The best and most comprehensive volume on perfectionism, this is a 'must read' for scholars and clinicians who study and treat all forms of psychopathology.”

—Randy O. Frost, PhD, Harold and Elsa Siipola Israel Professor of Psychology, Smith College
“A near-perfect overview of the scope and dangers of perfectionism. The authors define the problem and carefully review the development of major concepts and models. They present creative ways of helping patients burdened with pathological perfectionism, illustrated with clinical vignettes. I recommend this important book.”

—J. Scott Rutan, PhD, private practice, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
“Hewitt et al. are world leaders in the field who have pioneered our understanding of the demands of self-perfection, the perfection of others, and fear that others expect perfection from us. As this book brilliantly highlights, the cost of these mental struggles can be enormous, driving people to severe depression, other mental health problems, and even suicide. It is also well known that perfectionists can be difficult to help, making the authors' compassionate insights for therapeutic engagement immensely useful. This is an outstanding book for its scholarship, clarity, and clinical wisdom—I learned a lot from it, and others will, too.”

—Paul Gilbert, PhD, FBPsS, OBE, Centre for Compassion Research and Training, University of Derby, United Kingdom
“An excellent contribution. This book has special relevance for the field of eating disorders, as sufferers are driven by perfectionism about their weight and appearance. Clinical illustrations give a vivid impression of the development of perfectionism and the different functions of perfectionistic behavior, and make the book well suited for training.”

—Susanne Lunn, MSc, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

“This book could be a career saver for narrowly trained recent graduates who have discovered they need a greatly expanded repertoire to cope with clinical reality. Steeped in research and rich with clear examples from clinical practice, the book shows how the destructive 'trait' of perfectionism can be better understood in interpersonal and intrapsychic terms that are directly related to family history, social context, and more. It includes very informative discussions of how to use the authors' integrative approach in individual and group therapy.”

—Lorna Smith Benjamin, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Utah
“The authors have made enormous contributions to our understanding of perfectionism, an affliction that permeates our culture and is implicated in a plethora of mental disorders. This definitive volume lays out their transdiagnostic model of perfectionistic behavior and how to treat it. The best and most comprehensive volume on perfectionism, this is a 'must read' for scholars and clinicians who study and treat all forms of psychopathology.”

—Randy O. Frost, PhD, Harold and Elsa Siipola Israel Professor of Psychology, Smith College
“A near-perfect overview of the scope and dangers of perfectionism. The authors define the problem and carefully review the development of major concepts and models. They present creative ways of helping patients burdened with pathological perfectionism, illustrated with clinical vignettes. I recommend this important book.”

—J. Scott Rutan, PhD, private practice, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
“Hewitt et al. are world leaders in the field who have pioneered our understanding of the demands of self-perfection, the perfection of others, and fear that others expect perfection from us. As this book brilliantly highlights, the cost of these mental struggles can be enormous, driving people to severe depression, other mental health problems, and even suicide. It is also well known that perfectionists can be difficult to help, making the authors' compassionate insights for therapeutic engagement immensely useful. This is an outstanding book for its scholarship, clarity, and clinical wisdom—I learned a lot from it, and others will, too.”

—Paul Gilbert, PhD, FBPsS, OBE, Centre for Compassion Research and Training, University of Derby, United Kingdom
“An excellent contribution. This book has special relevance for the field of eating disorders, as sufferers are driven by perfectionism about their weight and appearance. Clinical illustrations give a vivid impression of the development of perfectionism and the different functions of perfectionistic behavior, and make the book well suited for training.”

—Susanne Lunn, MSc, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark