Phone Coaching in Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Alexander L. Chapman
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 8, 2018
ISBN 9781462537365
Price: $53.00 214 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderNovember 8, 2018
ISBN 9781462537358
Price: $35.00 214 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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1. Introduction and Overview
2. Setting the Stage for Effective Phone Coaching
3. Orientation to Phone Coaching
4. Navigating and Structuring Phone Coaching Calls
5. Core DBT Skills Coaching Principles and Strategies
6. Coaching in Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance
7. Navigating Suicide Crisis Calls
8. Principles and Strategies to Address Challenges and Observe Limits
9. Skill Generalization and the Development of Self-Coaching Skills